Friday, November 7, 2008

Any one need a sitter?

I'm thinking I need another kid to watch. Preferable just Monday-Thursday. If you hear of anyone let me know. I've just felt kinda a slow lately. Thanks!


MrsD said...

If I ever find a job Miss K would be there Mondays and every other Thursday! grrr.

And where's the pictures?

MrsD said...

But I will keep my ears open for anyone else needing a sitter. :)

1funmommy said...

Well, I'm crossing my fingers for you to get a job, for you sake and so I can play with your cutie pie baby!

Grey Rooster said...

why on monday mrsD, I get home at 4:30 am and uhhhh hmmm dunno. every other thurdays because I have to sleep all day to work that night.