Monday, March 24, 2008

The end of Easter Weekend

The boys had a fun Easter. We hit 2 hunts and hid eggs at my parent's house. Yesterday we had dinner with my parents. Koleton was having a great time and then he suddenly started crying and was being really whiney. We figured that he was just tired and had probably had too much candy. When we got home we watched cartoons for a little bit and then it was time to hit the sack. McClain was exhausted and laid right down. Koleton tried to go to sleep but kept waking up and rubbing his cheek saying "owie." I debated on whether or not I should take him into the hospital. After a late call to my mom we just drugged him up with motrin and rubbed baby orajel in his mouth (I thought maybe he was cutting a molar) Well after a not restfull night at all I checked his temp this am and it was slightly elevated so I decided to take him into the Dr. Turns out the little pumpkin has an ear infection. Poor baby! He is sleeping now. Lord knows he needs it!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Does anyone know where or when there are Easter Egg hunts this weekend??

Feeling guilty??

So Dan must have been feeling guilty about the whole hair thing b/c this morning when I went to take a shower I noticed that he had put up the new shower head we had bought a few weeks ago. It is Chrome. Do any of my Martha Stewart's out there know how to keep it from building up hard water crap? I realize I need to clean it Ha Ha! But is there something I can spray on it after every shower to keep it shiney?


So after arriving home after an interesting Sorority meeting I was greeted by my two boys who had just received haircuts! Koleton needed a hair cut but now he looks like he joined the Army. He barley has any hair left! I guess at least he is nice and trim now. The part that really pissed me off was McClain's hair cut. I have told Dan at least 3 times that I wanted to cut it. I showed him how I wanted it cut (just a little trim in the back so it doesn't look like a mullet) but I told him I was going to do it. I at least wanted to be home for it. But my ever-so-helpful husband went and cut it on his own. I was FUMING when I got home! UGH!!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Should I be worried?

So, my mom called me yesterday to see if I was babysitting today. Luck has it that I'm not! Woohoo! So she says she wants to go to lunch. This is so not like my mom. I know she loves me but she isn't the greatest at showing it. I was so shocked. I asked her why she wanted to go and she just said, " for something different." Okay. I want to talk to her about her time with the boys. Or the lack of time with the boys. Her and my stepdad are pretty much the only grandparents that have much interaction with my boys so the time they spend with them is very important to me. They rarely babysit for me and when they do I end up getting a call within an hour or two that they are sleepy and fussy and can I come get them. Are you serious?? I want to say, "Mom what did you do when I was cranky?" I hardly ever get time away from the boys mostly because I'm VERY picky about who I leave them with. One of the few people I trust them with are my parents. They spent more time with Koleton before I had McClain. Now that there are two they act like it is just too much. I'm worried that McClain is 1 now and doesn't really know his Nammy and Papa the way Koleton did. Anyway, I think I'm going to say something to my mom today but I'm not sure how. Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My sweet boy

So today my father-in-law is having surgery on his wrist. They are fusing it together. Well, I took the boys to the hospital to see him before he went under. It was almost like Koleton knew something was wrong. Of course, my father-in-law will be fine but we were in a yucky, sterile hospital for cripes sake. Koleton climbed up on his grandpa's belly (who was very scared) and just laid there on him the entire time we were there. For those of you who don't know my kiddo he is over-active and NEVER sits still. But today he just wanted to lay on his grandpa. It was very heart warming and it made my father-in-laws day. He gave me a hug and told me thank you for bringing his grand boys to see him.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lazy people

So I went to Costco the other day. I had three kids with me all under 3. When we were all done I unloaded my cart of groceries and kids. I then returned my cart to the cart holder thing in the parking lot, you know, the one nobody ever uses! That is my biggest pet peeve. So, on the way out of the parking lot I observed a woman in her 40's in fairly good shape, all by herself. She was parked at the front of a row next to the curbing that is filled with river rock and plants. Well, apparently she was in too much of a hurry to walk her happy ass down to the cart return so she just shoved her cart over the curb and into the rocks. Then she got in her fancy car and left. Here I am with 3 small children and I still returned my cart! If I were that lady I would be embarrassed of my self!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


This is my FIRST blog. How does this work I wonder?? Will I even have time to do this?? Both boys are sleeping right now but that seldom ever happens. And Hubby gets PISSED off when I'm on the computer. Doesn't he understand that I need ME time?? Obviously not. Oh well...we'll just see how it goes :)