Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm gonna fricking go CRAZY

Ok so I just got into it BAD with my neighbor. Yes, the one that is a jerk and has been since the day we moved in. Let me give you a little background. We bought the house from my parents. They lived here for like 15 years. They have always parked next to the house which is right next to the neighbors driveway. Our property line is only 5 feet off of the side of the house. So when you park there you are actually a few feet on his property. He never had a problem when my parents did that. They always drove back there threw our back yard to get access to the back of the property where they parked the camper, snowmobiles and 4 wheelers. NEVER was a problem when they lived here.

Well, we moved in 3 years ago. We have a few OLD cars that will be projects in the future. So, we drove through OUR back yard only about 5-10 extra feet on the neighbors property so we could put them in the very back. Ok, no problem. Apparently, after just talking to Dan he did ask the nieghbor if that would be ok. Sure, just as long as it is not a constant thing. Ok, done.

Well, after we moved the dickhead decided he didn't want us driving back there anymore. So, he was going to put up a fence. Well, it took him all summer to put in 3 posts. The posts were only like 3 ft high and it looked like Shit.. Well, we were kinda upset because now we didn't have access back to our cars. What the hell were we going to do. So was asked the land owner (yes, dickhead rents the lot) if we could buy an easement. He said that if the renter didn't want us back there then he didn't want to make him unhappy. So...we ended up putting up a nice fence and our other neighbor lets us go on his property to get to the back.

Well, today I'm out mowing the lawn and he knows that Dan is gone out of town. I stop to move the picnic table and he yells at me that he called the cops and if we don't move the pickup (which is like 2 ft on his RENTED lot) then he is going to have it towed. This isn't the first time he has came to ME about things he was unhappy about. He yelled at our siding guy for backing up right next to our house to unload his materials. Which by the way the siding guy went up to his door and knocked to ask permission but he never came to the door. He was only there for less than 10 minutes. He also yelled at the people that set up the castle for Koleton's party. And they were only there for like 10 minutes. So, I'm a little bit pissed that he can't even frickin talk to Dan he waits for him to leave and then takes it up with me.

So, I bit back. We have been nothing but GOOD neighbors. We don't party. We don't do anything to be bad neighbors. He said we have been nothing but unneighborly since we moved in. He brought up the fact of us moving the cars in. He said we didn't ask. WRONG! Dan did ask he said it was fine. He said the siding guy didn't ask, WRONG! He tried. And who cares he was unloading his equipment and was done within 10 minutes. I asked him why he was being such an asshole and what we ever did to him. I said why were we to assume it would be different for us than it was for my parents. He said that was my parents not us. He said that my father in law told him the reason we had to move from the last place was because we were shitty neighbors. WHAT! Thats a big fat lie! I was pregnant! How rowdy could we have been. Plus, we OWNED the last place too! He is a frickin liar!

So, I brought up the fact that he ran into our fence and broke it and we said not to worry about that we would fix it because we knew he wasn't physically able to. I told him next time it happens we'll call the cops and be the crappy nieghbors he thinks we are. Once I said that he shut up. He knew that we could have MADE him fix the fence and pay for the materials but we didn't. We said accidents happen not a big deal. Pretty NEIGHBORLY of us don't ya think.

Its awfully manly of him to wait until my husband leaves town to say anything. As if I don't have ENOUGH things to deal with! OMG I'm going to go CRAZY! I was BAWLING! I'm done! I want to kick him! Where it REALLY hurts! You asshole!


Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

Yuck! I can't imange leaving next to such a yucky person.

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

I ment living

Bfun1 said...

I'll send Bubbles over to help you kick his ass - heeeheee! I have to deal with the people who live in my parents old house - they only bitch at me - never to Joe! I won't even give them eye contact when I go outside!