Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Do I, or Don't I?

So, yesterday I started watching a 6 week old baby girl. She is the sweetest, cutest little thing. I have to be up by 5am because her mom drops her off around 5:15am. I thought I would HATE being up that early but it is actually really nice. I have a few hours of quiet! Not to mention I'm up with Dan before he heads off to work. I take the time with no kids and a sleeping baby to get ready for my day. It is really nice.

So the question is...Do I want another baby? Most of you would think that having the little girl around would definately make me want another baby, especially a girl. However, I think it has worked in the opposite way for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE babies and love having them around. But it is nice to send them home at the end of the day. It really is a lot of work getting a baby ready and lugging around that ridiculously heavy carseat just to go to the store or pick Koleton up from school. Its nice to be able to tell the boys go get in the car, lets go!

The boys are really pretty independent. At least when compared to a 6 week old baby. I love not having to change diapers all day/night. I Love sleeping through the night! So, does this make me selfish? Obviously, this total dependence thing doesn't last long but do I want to do it? I love my boys and I keep saying I want a girl but now I'm wondering if I really do. Could I get used to all the girly things? It is kinda nice being the only girl around. But it would also be nice to have another girl around to go shopping with and go get nails/hair done with.

I'm still up in the air!


Bfun1 said...

I hear ya - don't want to encourage you or not! It is tough when they are babes but you are such a good little mommy! You only do it for a little bit and then that season is over - you are on to the next! Your boys are dolls!

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

With your luck you would get another boy and be in a world of trouble!

MrsD said...

You might get another boy....

That said with all the girls you are babysitting they're kind of your too. I don't know!

We are trying to decide if we want a #2. Miss K was such an easy baby and was sleeping thru the night (12 hours straight) by 7 weeks. I keep thinking our next one will be the high maintenance baby. lol.