Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Manic Monday

It started out we were late for school. Koleton took a late nap on Sunday and would NOT wake up on Monday cause he stayed up too late fighting with us about going to bed. So, we're running late thanks to Mr. Sleep Head. Well, he decides to open the car door while I'm putting McClain in his seat. And SCREAM!!!! He shut his fingers in the door. YAY. It really wasn't that bad but he was CONVINCED he needed a band aid. Ok, we're late but if it stops the sobbing fine. So I go running to the house to get a band aid. I'm locked out! GREAT! My keys are in my old purse which is inside.

Luckily, I was able to get ahold of Dan and get the house keys out of his pickup.
Thank goodness he was with carpooling with the other guy this week and his truck was still in town!

Right before I was scheduled to meet with Miss K and her momma McClain silently awoke from his nap with a poopy diaper. I realized he was awake when the house started to smell like poop. So, I go in McClain's room to find he had taken off his poopy diaper and smeared it all over his crib and himself. YUMMO!

I was just getting cleaned up when Miss K and her mom showed up. The boys LOVE babies and were totally all over Miss K and her mom. They were like little actors. They were CRAZY. I'm not sure if Miss K and her mom were impressed. The boys were off the walls. They are usually busy but they were totally showing off for the two ladies that were visiting. Thank God that day is over! Oh by the way, Miss K is just as cute in person as she is in the pics.


MrsD said...

We enjoyed our visit! The boys are even cuter in person and funny.