Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lazy people

So I went to Costco the other day. I had three kids with me all under 3. When we were all done I unloaded my cart of groceries and kids. I then returned my cart to the cart holder thing in the parking lot, you know, the one nobody ever uses! That is my biggest pet peeve. So, on the way out of the parking lot I observed a woman in her 40's in fairly good shape, all by herself. She was parked at the front of a row next to the curbing that is filled with river rock and plants. Well, apparently she was in too much of a hurry to walk her happy ass down to the cart return so she just shoved her cart over the curb and into the rocks. Then she got in her fancy car and left. Here I am with 3 small children and I still returned my cart! If I were that lady I would be embarrassed of my self!


Bfun1 said...

you are funny! I admit - that has been me a few times but not NOW....I am in for the few extra feet of walking (more exercise)!

1funmommy said...

You got it BABE!