Thursday, May 22, 2008

Do you believe in ghosts?

So the strangest thing happened last night. I think my son sees Dead People. This is what happened.

It was 9:30pm (I know Koleton should have been in bed, but he just wouldn't go). Koleton is laying on the couch and he asks me, "mama why that guy up there?" and points to the ceiling. What?? I say. He repeats. Ok, I'm freaked out. I call Dan and he's like WHOA. He tells me to bat at the spot on the ceiling where Koleton is pointing. Ummmm...NO. I'll pass. So, I ask Kolte if the 'guy' is still there. He says yeah, all the way up there at the top. Once again, pointing to the ceiling. He's kinda giggling and it didn't seem to bother him. So, what do you guys think??


Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

It's not funny, but I can't stop laughing. I'm so glad this happend to you and not me. I'm just a big chicken!

MrsD said...

I have goosebumps reading that.

They say that ghost like children.

I woulda pee'd my pants tho.

Bfun1 said...

I believe - sorry, but I agree with MrsD - my girlfriend's little daughter used to play peak-a-boo with her great grandma - who had passed away. Angelo said something weird that will freak you out - I will tell you about it sometime! It doesn't scare me because I think children's minds are so unpolluted with garbage that they are open to things like that and also things with GOD and Angels!