Yesterday was an interesting day.
I watched the 2 boys I babysit until about 1. I hadn't taken a shower before they came over so I had to take one when they left and before sorority. So, I layed McClain down and set Koleton on the chair with a movie. I thought all was good. McClain was making NO sounds so I ASSUMED he was asleep. Koleton was totally zoned out in front of the movie and I ASSUMED he would fall asleep.
Well, about half way through my shower Koleton comes running in, "Mommy Cain fell out." Hmmm..."Cain fell out I repeat." "Yes" he says. "Cain fell out of his crib?" "Yes" he repeats. During the conversation I learn that this is true as I can hear McClain's cries getting louder and louder and then he appears in the bathroom. He appears to be fine and is no longer crying once he sees me so I continue my shower.
I guess there is no such thing as a nice, peaceful shower anymore. I'm SERIOUS!
So, I had sorority last night and it was my program. So I took the boys to our friends house (the ones that I babysit for). Koleton always has a really good time there playing with Hunter downstairs in the playroom.
Well, at about 9pm I get a call from the Dad asking me to bring back the carpet shampooer I had borrowed. I found out why they needed it back when I picked up the boys. Apparently, Koleton had found a bottle of lotion and squirted it EVERYWHERE. He also bit Maddox the 18 month old. So, he was in time out pretty much the entire time he was there. I was SO embarrassed that my kid was so NAUGHTY. It really bothered me. I felt so bad that I had left my kid at their house and he was nothing but trouble.
So I called Dan and told him what happened. I was crying while I was talking to him. He told me I need to get a handle on him. WHAT?!?!? I am home with the boys by myself all week! I've tried everything. Maybe if he was home to help out it would be different. I can't even get him to pee IN the toilet for crying out loud!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Never Assume Anything
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:46 AM
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Don't you just love it when our husbands think they know just what the problem is?
Hang in there! Motherhood is a very demanding job I'm finding. :)
Sorry - peaceful times in the shower are least for a few years! I still can't go to the bathroom alone or Angelo finds me and starts talking to me!
Hey - your kid is normal - I mean WHAT? was the lotion doing out in the first place - it should have been put up especially if he wasn't being supervised! I know, I know - I am defensive but SHEESH - if I had a kid over that wasn't normally here I would make sure I was watching him the whole time or that stuff was put up! He is normal - he is just exploring and learning!
Smile - you have two boys and your life experiences are going to be crazy and funny after you recover from the initial embarrassment of each situation!
Thanks for the program last night -now I want to find the sushi roller and try it at home! I am wondering if you can by the wrap "fresh" somewhere in a bigger city? You did awesome and I am so glad I made it just in time!
Thank you ladies for making me feel better!
B brings up a good point. What do you expect when you leave little boys unattended? I can see it now, go down stairs and play (meaning, leave us alone).
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