I know that since I stay home I should be on here more. But I honestly have a hard time even finding time to read the blogs let alone write one.
I always have someone needing my attention. For those of you who do it you know that it is hard work being a stay at home mom. It was so much easier when I was able to just get up get ready and drop Koleton off at daycare. The house stayed clean because we weren't home to mess it up. All I had to worry about all day was my daily work. I had the TIME to get it done. No worries.
Now, I have to get up make breakfast get the kids ready so we are ready for the other kids I watch to arrive. When they get here its time for entertainment. Everyday is different. The entire time I'm chasing after them cleaning up behind them. It is never ending but yet my house is always a mess. Then its lunch and clean up after that. AFter everyone leaves its time to serve my kiddos dinner. Then bath time and HOPEFULLY bedtime, which never comes easily.
Whenever I try to get away it never fails that SOMEONE is getting into SOMETHING their not SUPPOSED to. UGH! So, I'm sorry if I don't blog often. I want to, I just can't find the time :(
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Time is of the ESSENCE
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:39 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Not a baby anymore
So Koleton has graduated to Pre-School. In gymnastics that is. He's been doing gymnastics since he was about 18 months old. Now that he is 3 he is in the next class up. It was so crazy to watch last night!
In his Buddy and Me class the parents had to go out with the kids and help them through the course. Koleton would always run around and go crazy. He wouldn't follow the course and just do what he felt like doing. So, I was a little scared at how it would be without Dan or I out there with him.
To my surprise he did AWESOME! He waited his turn, he did what the teacher told him and was such a good little boy. I was so PROUD of him! It makes me so happy but so sad at the same time. My baby is growing up! It is so much fun though!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
This weekend
He always has
to throw that in!

McClain's name will be under Koleton's
The Gargoyle is a protector. He's holding
a hammer and chisel.
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Much better weekend
Last weekend sucked. It just plain sucked. I don't see Dan all week and then he comes home on the weekend and I still barely see him.
This weekend was MUCH better. Friday afternoon we did some errands together as a family + one. We had Z the little girl as watch with us. She is so stinkin' cute! Then Fri night Aunt Shell and Uncle Ronnie watched the boys for us so we could have a date. It was so nice of them to offer and we took full advantage of it.
We started at the Quality Inn for dinner. OMG it was SO yummy! Worth every penny. I was feeling guilty about spending that much on dinner but we NEVER do that and it was EXCELLENT. After dinner we stopped a "fun" store and bought a goodie. We picked up the boys by 10. They were both fast asleep. They really like spending time with Aunt Shell and Uncle Ronnie and Koleton is always asking about them. So it was good for everyone I think.
Sat I went to coffee with the girls. It was a good time. So nice to sit and chat and have some "adult" interaction. After coffee we went to Sears to have Koleton's pictures done. He did such a good job. He is super cute!
Saturday afternoon we just hung out. Went to the gym with the boys and swam. That was fun. The pool was a little chilly though. Saturday night Dan got the UFC fight on paperview and we had some friends over. Koleton and their daughter played really well. They had a pillow fight and took turns flying around the living room. It felt good to really laugh and have fun with friends and the kids.
Yesterday we went to breakfast and then came home and did some yard work. Dan also had some more added to his tattoo of Koleton's name. Once again we took the boys to some friends' house so I could tag along. I think we have finally realized how important it is to have alone time together. Regardless of how boring it is it is important. This weekend was so much better and I think it will make this week better too.
I'm babysitting until 1:30 then I'm just going to hang out with my boys for awhile. I'm going to go to the gym and workout. Its funny that I am looking forward to the gym. I am going to workout and read my book. It will be my alone time for the day and I am looking forward to that.
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
What were you doing five years ago?
Dating Hubby, working, Having Fun
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?
1. Take a shower
2. Babysit
3. Laundry
4. Go to Walmart
5. Go on date with Hubby (thanks Rachaell!)
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Chocolate
2. Chips
3. Mocha
4. Ice Cream
5. Artichoke dip w/ pita chips
five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Pay off ALL bills
2. By some land and build a house
3. Go on an exotic vacation with NO kids
4. Probably have another baby (girl)
5. Pay off my parent's house
What are five of your bad habits?
1. Not standing up for myself
2. Eating cause I'm bored
3. Playing with my Monroe
4. Cafe Mom
5. Biting my nails
What are five places where you have lived?
1. Kamiah, ID
2. Lewiston, ID
3. Lewiston, ID
4. Lewiston, ID
5. Lewiston, ID
What are five jobs you've had?
1. Babysitter
2. Gun Club
3. Taco Bell (3 weeks)
4. Receptionist at Hall Copeland
5. Valley Ear Nose and Throat
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
What a weekend.
Dan didn't get home until Friday at 7:30. He had to work an extra day since they had Monday off. Him coming home a day later really made the weekend fly by.
So Saturday we went to breakfast at Zany's. It was a much better experience than our first time there for breakfast. We ended up getting 2 coupons for 2 free breakfasts on each. I think they forgot to put the cheese on my omelette though. I had an appt at 10:45 so I didn't want to complain and be late.
My appointment was for a Massage, Pedicure and Body wrap that I got for Mother's Day. The massage was nice. Definately not my favorite but hey. My toes look purty from my pedicure. I got french tips. Pretty for summer. The body wrap was a little cheesey. My hubby basically paid an extra $35 for me to be covered in an electric blanket after my massage. I would say it was a RIP OFF! Dan wasn't very happy when he heard that was all it was but he didn't know. It was still very relaxing and I enjoyed every minute of it.
While I was waiting for Dan to pick me up I wandered across the street to CPS and found Brenda there. Big surprise! It was nice to visit with her for awhile though. I love her wit! I could hang with her all day! She is so much fun and so genuine! But my ride arrived and I had to part ways.
SO...Sunday was the BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY. Koleton was turning 3 and we had rented a big blow up jumping castle with a wet/dry slide. Well after watching it pour down rain all morning I was starting to get a little worried. So, Dan called and asked if we could change it to the Gymnastics Building. They said sure, so we were set to have the party from 6-8 instead of 2-4. So we called EVERYONE and told them the new place and time.
It started to clear up in the afternoon and Dan decided he wanted to have the castle after all. SO, he called and they said sure. So we had the castle from 6-8. We didn't use water cause it was still a little cool but the kids had a LOT of fun.
Koleton got a lot of presents. I always worry about the present part. I really want my kid to appreciate every gift as much as the other. Well, everytime he opened clothes he would just throw them aside and want the next gift. I don't want him to think that is all birthdays are about. I used to hate it when I would see kids open a gift and throw it aside before even looking at it. Now my kid is doing that. UGH! I tried to make him relax and enjoy each gift a little before the next. But everytime he was done opening one there was another kid RIGHT there stuffing another gift in his face to open. Is this normal for kids? Am I expecting too much from my 3 year old to appreciate clothes just as much as the toys. It makes me want to request no gifts at his next birthday.
All in all, it was a short but good weekend. I didn't get to see Dan as much as I would have liked. His working out of town is really starting to get to me. Even when he gets home he has other stuff to do than spend time with his wife and kids. I'll blog more about that later.
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:44 AM 5 comments