Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Time is of the ESSENCE

I know that since I stay home I should be on here more. But I honestly have a hard time even finding time to read the blogs let alone write one.

I always have someone needing my attention. For those of you who do it you know that it is hard work being a stay at home mom. It was so much easier when I was able to just get up get ready and drop Koleton off at daycare. The house stayed clean because we weren't home to mess it up. All I had to worry about all day was my daily work. I had the TIME to get it done. No worries.

Now, I have to get up make breakfast get the kids ready so we are ready for the other kids I watch to arrive. When they get here its time for entertainment. Everyday is different. The entire time I'm chasing after them cleaning up behind them. It is never ending but yet my house is always a mess. Then its lunch and clean up after that. AFter everyone leaves its time to serve my kiddos dinner. Then bath time and HOPEFULLY bedtime, which never comes easily.

Whenever I try to get away it never fails that SOMEONE is getting into SOMETHING their not SUPPOSED to. UGH! So, I'm sorry if I don't blog often. I want to, I just can't find the time :(


Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

What, can't you blog at midnight? Jusk kidding!

MrsD said...

I COMPLETELY understand. I don't blog nearly as much as I use to sine Khloe has started crawling and is into everything. Mostly it's only during nap time or after she goes to bed at night which is anywhere from 6 or 7 at night.

I can't imagine having two boys that are way more mobile than even Khloe is right now. It's even harder when you are the parent 24/7 because our husbands are gone and they don't come home at 5 to kind of help out.

Seriously after our hot date in July we should get together at the park or something to get you out of the house and maybe burn of some energy on the boys.

Bfun1 said...

Can you hear it - it is the world's smallest violin playing - MY HEART BLEEDS for YOU! WAHAHAHA! Blog away sister - you should just lock them outside for 5 minutes and blog away - HA - only kidding! Life is busy! I am addicted though! Oh and ya....EXCUSES are like a-holes - everyone has one! I am only teasing you so take no offense sister friend!

Blogger said...

I profit $20 for each 20 minute survey!

Guess what? This is exactly what big companies are paying for. They need to know what their customer needs and wants. So these companies pay $1,000,000's of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, like me and you, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.