Thursday, July 23, 2009


I had my Dr. Appt today. This was the first appt that I was checked at. Dan was with me. He wasn't much fun though. He came home early from work cause he doesn't feel good. UGH, more on that later!

Anyway, I'm only dilated to a 2. He said I'm still pretty thick (that means not much effacement done) and the baby is still sitting pretty high. He could barley touch the head. Trust me, doesn't feel good to have him reach way up there when you've just fallen flat on your ass the night before. GEEZE! I'm SOOOO sore! My hoo hah feels like I've been riding a horse for a week straight while having rock grind on my pelvis the whole time.

So, it doesn't look like this baby will be coming early. I knew better!


Bfun1 said...

:( - I was hoping for you! Your pain will be over soon.....though it seems like a lifetime -- the wait!

MrsD said...

I was hoping you'd be more dilated and more effaced. :(