Monday, July 27, 2009

Gettin closer

Wow! Only 10 days left! I'm really hoping that if the baby isn't here by the 6th my Dr will induce me by the 7th. I'm going to ask him Thursday when I go for my appt. See, he usually does his inductions on Fridays so that would be perfect! I can't sleep much anymore. Just a little at a time. My lower back is absolutely Frickin' KILLING me! Actually my entire back is hurting. I didn't know how bad until Dan tried to rub it the other night and it hurt to even have him touch it. I know the baby WANTS out! It was literally trying to crawl out last night! Dan thought it was hillarious! It looked like I was washing a load of clothes in my stomach!

I can tell I'm starting to efface more. I'll let you all know how my appt goes Thursday!


MrsD said...

Yes! Baby comin soon!

Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

Will u have that baby. I want to meet her/him

1funmommy said...

Yeah, me too!!!