Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Well, I was thinking last night that this could be it. But it wasn't. I was having contractions from about 4pm until...all night long. But they never did too much more that annoy me. They were a little painful but I knew they weren't the real thing. I was really hoping that they would turn into more. Kinda. I mean, I'm done with being pregnant but I'm also not sure if I'm ready for this. I still have things to get!


Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

You keep this up and you really will have this baby on my B-day. How wierd would that be to have McClain on Ronnie's and new baby on mine?

1funmommy said...

You know what? I would totally be OK with that!

1funmommy said...

Maybe on the 24th you should make me some labor inducing ribs!