I'm bored! Would someone flippin blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
So this weekend was fair. Friday night we went to a pool party at my parents friends house. They have a REAL pool! I have known all these people since I was a little girl so it was nice to see them all again. The boys had a blast in the pool.
Saturday was great! My parents came and picked up the boys and took them to Kooskia. They got to visit my grandma and had fun. I hung out with the sistas and made some hats for the cancer patients. I was sent home with homework and I actually finished them yesterday! Woot Woot! I always laugh so much with the girls. I love them :)
Saturday night we went and listened to Candlebox at Rockin' on the River. We sat outside the gates with the boys for a little while. We were in the paper!
After that we drove up to Diane's house so Dan could look at her son's car that needs some body repair. We hung out there until about 11 and came home. It was a pretty fun day.
Sunday Dan was busy working on painting some fenders so we didn't do much. Just hung around the house. All in all it was a good weekend. I would have liked to see Dan more but I guess thats how it goes.
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Its Monday!

Posted by 1funmommy at 12:31 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Whats for dinner
Ok so hubs works out of town Mon-Thurs. So every week I cook him something to take for dinner. Well, I'm out of ideas. Do you guys have any recipes for something cheap and easy and will travel well??
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:14 PM 4 comments
Hump day
Ok, so today is Wednesday right? YAY! Dan comes home tomorrow. Hopefully, he won't be as busy as he was last weekend. He does need to paint a couple things but he's down to the easy parts.
We need to start working on our house. We have to go under the house and jack up the floors. They have started to sag in a few areas. We need to remove old
sheet rock and put up new on the outside walls. Once that is done we can finish the trim on the windows. I'm so excited to get that done because then we can rip up the carpet and put down the hard wood we have. Then I can re paint the walls and start getting my house back! OMG! There is sooo much to do!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
More bloggin'
My goal for the week: More blogs
I'm going to try!!! The rest of my week will be busy with babies but I'm going to try to make time for this. My biggest problem is not knowing what to blog about. I always feel like I'm throwing myself a pity party when I blog. I HATE that. But it is also nice to vent.
Anyway, money is REALLY tight right now. That is stressing me out a little. Dan asked me if I wanted to do something this weekend. I'm like WE HAVE NO MONEY. We can't even go for a drive cause gas is so frickin' expensive!
I'm trying to get started in Silpada. So if anyone wants to have a party just to help me get going that would be awesome! Hosting a party is a GREAT way to get free jewelry too!
I'm trying to get Koleton into Headstart. We make too much money though. The only way he will get in is if they don't have enough qualifying applicants. We have a meeting today at 3:30. I'm not holding my breath. Anyone know of any other alternatives that won't cost me an arm and a leg. I want Koleton to start off ahead of the game. I think Pre-school is very important but VERY expensive.
Well, I guess that is all for now.
I had a great time scrapping Friday night. I think we need to make this a monthly thing. It was a good time!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I need sleep!
On top of everything else I barely got any sleep last night. I stayed up watching Without A Trace until 11pm. I was just getting ready to fall asleep at 11:30 when McClain woke me up. He was up until 1:30am. I nursed him, I sat with him, I put him in his crib. He cried for 30-45 minutes when so I finally decided to bring him to bed with me. But not until after Koleton woke up and decided to come sleep with me. So, McClain's in his bed crying and Koleton says to me, "Mama, CainCain want you." So I had to flip floppin, bed hoggin, feet sprawlin boys in bed with me. I did not sleep well at all! Then McClain decided to wake up at 6:30! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:41 AM 1 comments
I'm back
Wow! Life has been so crazy. Dan's Grandma in California passed away 2 weeks ago today. The Thursday after we decided we were going to drive down there. I got to Umatilla to meet Dan and with the advice of some family members we decided not to go. So, I missed my much needed girls night out. Oh well.
On Saturday we left for a week long camping trip with Dan's Mom's side of the family. Dan stayed the night and then had to leave for work on Sunday night. I was left with the 2 boys camping until Friday morning with Dan's family. His Aunt and Uncle from Portland are YUPPIES! Everything they eat is organic and gourmet. Ever heard of an organic hot dog? Yep we had em. It was crazy. You weren't allowed to poke a tree (with your finger) because you might hurt it.
So by the time Dan got there Friday morning I was ready for a break. Chasing around 2 boys under 3 while camping isn't very relaxing. It didn't get much better when Dan was there. He was busy doing other stuff and I still had to take care of the boys.
All in all it was a good trip but very tiresome.
Monday when I got home I was busy unpacking and cleaning and doing laundry.
I discovered something that made me EXTEMELY upset. It is slightly better now but a very hard thing to understand and get over. Thank goodness I had good friends to talk to and feed me :) I didn't want to be alone and it was nice that I didn't have to be.
So, its taken me 2 different sit downs to get this out so I'm not sure how much sense it has made. All I know is that I am SO ready for scrapbook night and I still have NO idea what my project will be.
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I want to leave again
So, my life has been so crazy lately. I'm not sure if I can handle much more. This will have to be short. I think the boys escaped outside. BUT yesterday was HORRIBLE! It was like dating drama all over again. I mean, are you serious??? Remember RESPECT? Oh, so sorry it slipped your mind. I guess my feelings don't matter. I have to go for now. I will blog more later. I just want a normal life!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:41 AM 1 comments