Thursday, January 15, 2009

I don't have it so bad

You know, I think that more often than not we focus on the negatives in our life. We forget to look as all the positives. I had a conversation this morning with a lady that made me really think.

This woman is actually my cousin but we are distant. Her daughter is in the same class as Koleton and she always waits for me in the mornings and sits with all the daycare kids so I don't have to unload all 5 or 6 of them and take them in to the class with me. This is a HUGE help. I am so gratefull to her for this.

Anyway, she drives a hunk of junk car while her husband drives a nice new pickup. He had another truck which was pretty new and nice but decided he needed a better one just a couple months ago. So he went out and bought this while his wife is driving this crap car. I mean, it is BAD. It runs but she has to climb through the passenger side to get to the drivers side because her drivers side door is falling off. So, Dan is going to look at it for her to see if he can fix it. She is so gratefull and says she'll pay for him to fix it. I say NO WAY! She does me such a huge favor by sitting with the kids I TOTALLY don't expect her to pay.

So, I was telling her that Dan and I both feel bad for her. I drive the nicer of our vehicles and I really feel thats how it should be. I'm the one toting the kids around all day. And so does she. She pays her mom to watch her kids even when her husband is off work because he won't watch them. He barely started watching her oldest who is almost 5. He is VERY selfish.

I told her that Dan really pisses me off sometimes but he really does put his family first. He would NEVER make me take them to someone because he didn't want to watch them. In fact, he gets mad at Dads that say they are 'babysitting' their own kids.

So, I realized I don't have it as bad as I sometimes think. Although, Dan is SO not sympathetic with pregnancy he is still a good Dan and Husband. After my conversation this morning I called him and told him I loved him because he is a good guy :)


MrsD said...

Awww. You're blessed. ;) no seriously.

I'm holding Khloe now and she's waving. She likes to look at the pics you put on here and wave.

1funmommy said...

Hi Khloe! (waving ) I know, I'm blessed :)

Jean said...

Amber, yes it will help me out alot, and they are excited about it. Hope all works out and they get to go to Juniper Meadows this next month. How are the boys? And are you feeling better?

Jean said...

just wanted to recomment to your blog, I feel sorry for your cousin also and if there is anything I can do to help let me know, baby sit or what ever I would love to help out. :)

Grey Rooster said...

hehehehe Dan sounds like a kewl dude, I don't baby sit baby K, she runs the house when moms gone hehehehe OMG does she too...