Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Maybe he'll think twice next time

So, last night when I got home from my CPR training Dan told me that he was talking about me at work. He said he was complaining about how much time I spend on the computer, specifically on Cafe Mom in my IK group. He said that my good friend R got kinda mad and was defending me. He said she thought he was calling me a bad mother or something.

It kinda makes me upset that he was complaining about it in the first place. The only time I AM on it for a long period of time is when he is home. I obviously can't be on it for hours when I little kids running around. Some days it is my ONLY adult interaction! AND I do have a business that is based pretty much ON my computer! So half the time when he thinks I'm on CafeMom I'm putting in a jewelry order or adding up someone's daycare bill! MEN!

Anyway, thanks R for sticking up for me! Next time maybe he'll think twice about where he opens his mouth!


Rachaell JeanBlanc said...

I didn’t necessary think he was calling you a bad mother. He just acted like his shit didn’t stink. You being on the computer are no different than him working in the shop. He goes to the shop to escape; you go to the internet to escape. Only difference is he is only home a fraction of the time you are so he should need less time to escape than you do. We both know that is not what happens though. We are all guilty to point the finger at others faults but there are still 3 fingers pointing back at you.

MrsD said...

Men! I know.

Grey Rooster said...

in the defense of MEN, hehehe okay I personal don't see an issue unless you were spending more adult time with the internet than with your old man....but this is not the case as I read so uhhh where am I going with this ohhhhh yeah uhhhhhhh I used to be jelous about D spending alot of time on her thing uhhhh not sure what they call it but she gets so upset with them girls and their crap(gossip)I would tell her not to worry about other people but US, so if you start putting more time into other people and not your family then I can see if he was to complain, but what I read thats not the case here either, so yeah you can punish your man for being a man I guess, in my book your a good mom, wife and a lady so uhhhh thats what I think anyway... and my wife she is a good mom and wife and a lady and she needs her time to get online with the girl thing that girls do so its okay with me, all I say is "Women" uhhhhggg LOL