Does nobody blog any more?? I kinda miss it!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Baby Addylin Jolene
Well, I've been gone for awhile but the boys are actually playing together and Addy is sleeping. So, I thought I would let you know how everything is.
I ended up starting labor around 9pm Sat the 1st. My contractions weren't horrible yet but they were about 5 min apart all night long. By Sunday morning I was exhausted and decided we should head to the hospital. We got there around 10. My contractions finally started getting a little harder but after a few hours they slowed to about 7 min apart. By 2 in the afternoon I was so exhausted and the contractions were very painful, so they decided to give me a shot of morphine to help with the pain and hopefully let me rest.
The nurse said it would take about 10-15 min to kick in. But I immediately started feeling warm and my hands were getting tingly. I told the nurse I thought I was hyperventilating but I thought that was odd since I wasn't breathing hard. She observed me for about a minute and noticed that it was just getting worse. My hands started to cramp and slowly the cramping spread to EVERY muscle in my body (including my uterus). She quickly realized I was having an allergic reaction to the morphine. I couldn't move and I just laid on the bed crying in pain as all my muscles were SO tight. She called for help and about 6 nurses came running in. She called for a crash cart and the Dr too. There were about 4 nurses trying to get an IV in me. My muscles were so tight and rigid though they were having a Terrible time. They started looking at my feet for good veins.
After about 10 minutes they got an IV in and started pushing in the medicine to reverse the morphine. I slowly started to relax. It was SOOOOO scary. It was starting to get hard to breath. And then the contractions felt WAY worse because my uterus had been affected too. Let me tell you it was horrible to hear my mom's voice crack and see my big tough guy husband with tears in his eyes. Everyone in the room was scared. Dan said the nurse was scared, she was fumbling around for the right needle and couldn't find it. I yelled at her to help me. I really got nervous when she started asking me if I could understand her and if I was still with her. I realized it was pretty serious then. But the reversal medicine kicked in and they gave me something else to help me relax and take the edge off the contractions.
The rest of the labor went pretty slow until about 8pm. The contractions were the real thing and I was finally dilating. By 10pm the nurse said I could have an epidural. I was so greatful for this because I was absolutely exhausted by this point. I got the epidural around 10:40pm. By 11:00 I was begging the nurse to let me push. I pushed twice and she was out at 11:23pm. She came out sideways with her shoulders up. It hurt like HELL! I screamed and cursed which I never did with the boys. And then I saw it was a girl and I couldn't believe it! She looked like an angel and everything I had went through was all worth it.
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:27 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Gettin closer
Wow! Only 10 days left! I'm really hoping that if the baby isn't here by the 6th my Dr will induce me by the 7th. I'm going to ask him Thursday when I go for my appt. See, he usually does his inductions on Fridays so that would be perfect! I can't sleep much anymore. Just a little at a time. My lower back is absolutely Frickin' KILLING me! Actually my entire back is hurting. I didn't know how bad until Dan tried to rub it the other night and it hurt to even have him touch it. I know the baby WANTS out! It was literally trying to crawl out last night! Dan thought it was hillarious! It looked like I was washing a load of clothes in my stomach!
I can tell I'm starting to efface more. I'll let you all know how my appt goes Thursday!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:41 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Baby or man?
Aren't men the BIGGEST babies when they are sick?!?!? Dan hardly EVER gets sick, let alone sick enough to miss work, but when he does OMG! I want to shoot him. He is the BIGGEST baby! And he says I complain about being pregnant! UGH! Okay, just sayin...
Posted by 1funmommy at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I had my Dr. Appt today. This was the first appt that I was checked at. Dan was with me. He wasn't much fun though. He came home early from work cause he doesn't feel good. UGH, more on that later!
Anyway, I'm only dilated to a 2. He said I'm still pretty thick (that means not much effacement done) and the baby is still sitting pretty high. He could barley touch the head. Trust me, doesn't feel good to have him reach way up there when you've just fallen flat on your ass the night before. GEEZE! I'm SOOOO sore! My hoo hah feels like I've been riding a horse for a week straight while having rock grind on my pelvis the whole time.
So, it doesn't look like this baby will be coming early. I knew better!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Not soon enough!
Last night was rough! I had so much pain and pressure I thought I was gonna die! I didn't get much sleep and now I'm exhausted! I'm anxious for my Dr. appt tomorrow to see if I'm dilated and effaced. I'm so ready to have this baby!
By the way, WHERE IS EVERYONE????
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Well, I was thinking last night that this could be it. But it wasn't. I was having contractions from about 4pm until...all night long. But they never did too much more that annoy me. They were a little painful but I knew they weren't the real thing. I was really hoping that they would turn into more. Kinda. I mean, I'm done with being pregnant but I'm also not sure if I'm ready for this. I still have things to get!
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:59 AM 3 comments
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Yesterday's DR Appt
Well, I lost a lb. Kind of abnormal for this point in pregnancy. The nurse said I will be below my pre pregnancy weight once I deliver because I've essentially lost weight this pregnancy. I've only gained a total of 6 lbs now and the baby and everything else is well over that. You have the amniotic fluid to account for, the extra blood, the placenta and of course the baby.
The heartbeat was in the 170s. It is all over the place with this one! The boys were both always in the 150s or 170s. This one will be at 130 one week and 170 the next. When the nurse was looking at my belly she could see what was obviously the little hiney poking up. This is so typical for this baby. Its always poking something out and making me all lop sided. And it HURTS too!
My urine sample said I was a little dehydrated. So, thats my mission for the week is to drink, drink, drink...water of course :)
Dr. U measured my tummy and it should measure the same as how far along you are. At my last app I was 34 weeks along and I measured a 34. At this appt I was 36 weeks along and I measured at 38! This really surpised me. That means that my tummy has grown 4 inches in the last 2 weeks!! I think its inches. I guess it could be centimeters though. Its not actually my tummy that is growing its my uterus that they are measuring. He wasn't too concerned though. He said it could just be that the baby was stretching at the time. But we will evaluate it next week. Yes, I'm down to the once a week appointments now! I really hope that the baby was just stretching and this isn't a sign that I'm going to have a "Jumbo" baby as the nurse put it.
So, basically everything is right on track. Dr. U won't check me at my next appt but at the one after. Thats the one I'm waiting for. I wanna know if I'm dilating or thinning out. The time is getting close!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:29 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Let the countdown begin

Posted by 1funmommy at 9:42 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Not a lot going on.
Well, I really don't have a lot to say. I'm done with being pregnant. I'm pretty miserable at this point. My crotch hurts and I have Braxton Hicks all the time! They are getting a little more painful. But I still have 6 weeks left! Ugh, 6 loonnnggg weeks. Oh well. I'm just gonna take it easy.
Dan dropped a bombshell on me. Well at least it was a bombshell to me. First of all he's been working on a Mustang that was supposed to be done by June. Well, its not done. Now there are doubts that it will even be done by the time the baby is here. This really bothers me. I told him I didn't want him to take the job if he was going to be working on it when the baby was born. He already has a full time job and I don't want him gone even more working on this side job once we have a new born.
Ok, so then, Friday he asks me what I thought about him working at the body shop again, part time. Uh, what?? When do you plan to fit that in? See, we have been strapped for cash lately. Having a hard time making ends meat. But we still have a family life. That if VERY important to me. He says he doesn't want to have to worry about money anymore. That he wants to be able to go do stuff. And that he NEEDS a second job! I agree it would be nice to have some extra money but I need him around and the boys need him around. Especially when the baby is here we will need him even more.
I don't know what he plans on doing. I think that once the Mustang is done we will be OK on money. Although, he is going to use the majority of it to build the shop. But we will use some of the money to fix some things on my credit and then hopefully we can refinance and lower our house payment. Then we should be just fine. Hopefully...
It just bothers me. I'm stressed about money and now I'm stressed about not having my husband. Once again...
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
100th post!
I just realized this is my 100th post! Kinda crazy :)
Well, we had a good weekend in Bend. Spent some time with the family and attended a great graduation! I'm glad to be home though. We always spend too much money when we go out of town too! AAAAhhhh...
The drive was way too long on this pregnant woman. Half way there my legs started throbbing and I could NOT get comfy! When we finally got there my legs and feet were swollen. Not fun! So on the way home I spent half the trip on the back seat with the boys with my feet up on the center console. Much better that way.
The baby seemed like it was trying to claw its way out of my stomach yesterday. It was so wierd! Dan and I could feel a hand or foot sticking out and you could even see the lump. It was really cool. I never really remember that happening with the boys. This baby is VERY active. I just can't help but wonder what this little thing is. Whether it is a boy or a girl I know it will be just as beautiful as the two that we already have. There is only 59 days left! THAT I just CAN'T believe!!! I honestly don't know if I'm ready for this. Three is a lot different than two. I'm worried that I'm going to be over stressed and over tired. I am only taking a week off from my kids I babysit. I'm hoping that I can handle all of this. I'm just praying this baby is as easy as this pregnancy has been so far!
As I get closer to the delivery everything else is starting to happen too. I have to have a pre admittance interview at the hospital. This is so I don't have to wait to be admitted once I am actually in labor. I can just go up to the 3rd floor and get a room. All the paper work is already done. I also had to fill out my birth plan. Pretty basic. Who you want to cut the cord, if you want to hold the baby right away or wait for it to be cleaned. If you plan on nursing, who you want in the room when you deliver. This last one is kinda special. I've offered for a very close friend to attend the birth. She has never had a child and never experienced the birth of a baby. I am so excited that she is going to be there. It is a magical experience and I am so happy to share it with her!
Happy Monday!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:07 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
UGH! Pregnancy
Ok, I'm sorry but this is going to be a small bitch session about being pregnant.
Last night I ended up with my first ever migraine. It really freaked me out. First my vision went blurry in my left eye. My head also felt very cloudy. Then my left arm went numb and tingly. I continued to feel "in a dream state" so I called the hospital (OB department) and they said it could possibly be a migraine but I really should come in to have my blood pressure checked. Normally I would have just waited it out to see if it would pass but when you're pregnant everything is so different. You have another little being to worry about.
So I called Dan (he was at the shop working on the mustang) and he came home. His parents came over to sit with the boys while we went to the hospital. They hooked up my to belly to the monitors and baby was fine. My blood pressure and sugar levels were fine too so we figured it was a migraine. Being hooked up to the monitors made me feel like I was there to have the baby. Soon enough, soon enough.
Migraines can be common in pregnancy even if you have never had them before. Joy!
So when we got home Dan and I both just wanted to go to bed. McClain had other plans though. His ear hurt and he was up until 1am crying. Poor baby. He just wanted Daddy to hold him but Daddy wanted to sleep since he had to get up and work today. So he was stuck with me and my migraine.
Another crappy thing about being pregnant this time of year is the heat. You have a little furnace in you that adds to the heat! By 8am I am totally dying of heat! I still have 2 more months of this AWFUL heat too! But really I think these last 2 months will go by just as fast as the first 8.
So here I am, burning up, tired as hell and still coping with a migraine. I LOVE being pregnant!!!!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:22 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Memorial Fun
This weekend the boys, my grandma and I went to Oak Harbor to visit my cousin and his wife. We had a blast! It took us about 10 hours to get there! The pregnant one had to stop for potty breaks often.
Saturday we went to Fort Casey. We got to walk around the old battle grounds where the cannons were. The boys LOVED that. We also visited the light house there. That night we went to the drive in Theatre. It was COLD but fun.
Sunday was very busy. We drove close to 2 hours to Seattle. We went up in the space needle, visited the Children's Museum and lastly went to the Seattle Aquarium. We were all so tired at the end of the day!
The boys missed their daddy and I missed him too. It was good to be home Monday but it was also such a fun trip!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:21 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Can't Complain
Well, my Mother's day was pretty good. We didn't do anything special. Just hung out together and had a nice relaxing day. I got a card from Dan (which made me cry) and one from the boys. I also got a single red rose and donuts for breakfast. I slept in until about 8:30. We did go to Main Street Grill for lunch. It was good but it took forever!
Saturday night we went to the Demolition Derby with some friends and my parents. It was fun. I was freezing and in intense pain from sitting on the bleachers. I even took along a stadium seat to help but it didn't do much good. The boys loved it! It was fun to sit there with our friends and family and realize how great the simple things really are!
Dan started setting up the pool last night. I told him he needed to get it done because it is going to get HOT fast! I want the pool ready for that! I only have 3 more months left of being pregnant and I have a feeling that I'm going to float away most of those days in the pool! Anytime ya want to come over for a float and italian soda just come on over!
Yes, thats right! I am 7 (seven) months along!!! Can you BELIEVE it?? I can't! I feel like I just started showing over night. Its to the point now that even strangers feel comfortable asking me when I'm due.
Well, its Monday and I hope everyone has a good week! I can't WAIT for the weekend!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
100 days!
Today is the 100 Day mark. I only have 100 days until this little baby makes its way to our world. That is just over 3 MONTHS! I can't even believe it! I guess the time is flying since I'm not puking everyday. Although I do have a LOT of low pelvic pain this pregnancy is by far the easiest of the 3. Could this mean its a girl?
I started having Braxton Hicks contractions yesterday. They were slightly uncomfortable. Normally they don't last long but mine seemed to last all afternoon. I did go to the gym and workout and had no problems.
After dinner I put in a Yoga Mama DVD and was doing yoga. The boys decided to join me and it was so cute! They actually did pretty good following all the poses. I'm really hoping that all this excersise and stretching will help my labor go much smoother!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:41 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
6 Months!
Wow! I'm already 6 months along! Time is flying by! I don't remember it going so fast with the boys. I'm sure once the hot weather comes I'm going to be wishing time would go faster! But for now I'm enjoying this little squirt moving inside of me. Its the one place that I can keep it totally safe from the dangers of the outside world.
I am in TERRIBLE pain though. It is really bad. I'm having pelvic pain like you wouldn't believe. I told Dan it feels like someone is taking a rock and grinding it on my pelvic bone. I cringe at night in bed even when I just roll over. It hurts SO BAD!
Yesterday I was at my step class and had to leave half way through. I was doing very low exertion but I was still getting a lot of lowere abdomen pain. It felt like my mucsles were tearing! Then last night I ended up with a major headache. It is one where I can tell the only way it is going to go away is by getting a chiropractor adjustment. Can you say expensive? UGH! Anyway...
I got my hair done yesterday so I feel somewhat better. I was beginning to feel like a frumpy pregnant woman. YUCK! I have a little style going on now so its time to get out and go enjoy the sun with the boys and little Z today.
We have gymnastics this morning and then hopefully we can get outside!
Happy Friday everyone!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:11 AM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Crappy Easter!
Once again, Dan's cousin was here to work on his truck. It was supposed to be done yesterday. Well, its after 4 and they're still working on it!
The boys and I saw Dan for about an hour this morning while they hunted eggs at my parents. Then he came back for an hour to eat Easter Dinner.
We were supposed to go to his Grandma's this afternoon for an egg hunt and pinata but they are STILL working on the truck so we'll be missing that.
I was so upset this morning I was crying. Its been three weeks now of this stupid truck and now it screwed up our Easter!
Posted by 1funmommy at 4:41 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Not much going on here. Dan is STILL working on his cousin's truck. I really hate that thing. At least everyone is gone though. Well, his cousin will be back tomorrow night. I'm just tired of being alone all day and all night.
I'm pretty bored. The last couple days were nice. I got out of the house and worked on the yard a little. But I still miss my husband.
The baby is kicking the crap out of me. Koleton was sitting with me earlier today and he felt it kick. It was really cute. He says he wants to see the baby.
I've had 2 dreams now 2 nights in a row that I had another boy. I was really upset in the last dream. I was MAD. I bawled when I saw it was a boy. I know that won't really be the case and I am OK with another boy but I wish we would have found out so that I would at least know!
Oh well, only 4 1/2 more months. I can't believe how fast time is going!
Posted by 1funmommy at 6:43 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thank you to my cookie fairy!
Ahhh...MRs. D made a special delivery today. She surprised me with a box of cookies. I was so excited.
The guys started coming in to make some lunch and I heard the box start to open. It was Dan trying to sneak a cookie. I told him to get the Hell out of those, they were my treat for putting up with HIS mom for over a week! He backed away!
I had a chocolate chip and it was oh, so yummy!
Thanks D!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Finally, I can breathe!
I've been wanting to post for awhile but I've been afraid of getting caught. My mother in law, or moster in law, more appropriately has been here since last Monday. Now, don't get my wrong, I love her to death. Our relationship has come a long way from where it once was but she still drives me crazy.
You all know that I'm pregnant, I already have 2 boys and I babysit 4 extra kids during the day. Well on top of all this I chave been taking care of her too. I've been cooking and cleaning for 4 adults and 3 kids for a week and a half. (I also have my cousin's son here for spring break). She is more than happy to let me do all the work. She hasn't once offered to help cook or clean up after a meal.
A typical day for her is to roll out of bed around 9. I think she only gets up then because the kids wake her up. She then plops in front of the TV with a cup of coffee that I made. When I've finished breakfast she gets up dishes up and then plops back in front of the TV. She spends 3-4 hours on the computer then she goes back in her room for a nap. She finally gets out of her pajamas around 4pm.
It totally drives me CRAZY. She yells at the boys all the time. I give them something, she takes it away. I'm telling you, she is crazy!
But, she finally left tonight to go stay with her other son. Hopefully, she will stay there until she leaves town Sunday. It is a good thing she went over there cause I don't think I could have held it together for another day. I've never been around someone so unwilling to help, even with her own grandchildren which she NEVER sees.
So, I can breathe, for a little while at least!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:03 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I'm an Auntie again! It was amazing. I was in the room when he entered the world. I watched him make his way here. And his mom did AMAZING! She pushed for 41 minutes. It was definately different watching a baby born than having one. Very exciting! Welcome to the world Owen Timothy!
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:34 AM 3 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Getting ready
Dan's mom and cousin are on their way over right now. They will be here for about a week. Dan's cousin is a senior in highschool and is coming over for Dan to do the body work and paint his pickup. Its kind of cool because it is a truck their Grandpa got him before he died.
I've been cleaning out the spare room and also cleaning our bedroom to make room for the baby stuff that was in the spare room. So now there is a cradle and play pen in our room. I can't be nesting already!
I always get really stressed out when Dan's mom comes for a visit. She just really wears me out. I'm hoping that since Dan's sister in law is scheduled to be induced on Wed. my MIL will be spending much time over there with the new baby. Dan asked her if she wanted to stay with us or with his brother and she said us. Even though they are having a new baby. I guess at least for my SIL that is good.
Anyway, they will be here sometime tonight. I have to prepare dinner for everyone all week! AHHHH...
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:37 PM 3 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
This could ONLY happen to me!
This morning Koleton had school. So I took him to school and then McClain, Zoey and I went to a girlfriends house to hang out for an hour until it was time to take McClain to gymnastics. When it was time to leave I put Zoey in her car seat and then flung my purse over the front seat. I shut the back door and then was going to pick McClain up to put him in his seat. As SOON as I shut the door I hear CLICK! AH SHIT! See on my car we have the buttons on the door handle that you can program with a code to unlock your car without the keys. Well, we don't know the code at all and never use it. BUT when you push the last two buttons at the same time it LOCKS the whole car. THAT is exactly what McClain did.
So, my purse, phone, keys AND Zoey are locked in the car. So I call Dan from my girlfriends phone but he didn't answer. He went to work today for a few hours but was working in Lewiston so I was hoping he could run me down his key. I didn't know if he wasn't answering because he was at work or if he just didn't recognize the number. So I called my stepdad, also known as my constant rescuer, and asked him to try to call him. Still no answer. So I call Rachaell and ask her if she can get ahold of their boss and to have Dan call me. Luckily, my stepdad was about 3 blocks from where Dan was working so he stopped by and got his keys and brought them to me.
I stayed by the car the whole time and Zoey was totally cool. She didn't freak out or anything. Thank God! I felt SOOO bad! I did call her mom to let her know what happened because I didn't want her to find out from someone else before I could explain what happened. She was cool about it. She said she would be a little upset if it were 100 degrees out but thank goodness it wasn't. IF that had been the case we would have had a broken window to replace.
So, needless to say, the car will be going to the dealership to reprogram the code AND I'm getting 2 extra keys made TODAY so I can hide one on the car somewhere and do something with the other one.
What a DAY!
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Apparently I'm disabled
So yesterday Koleton and I both had the pukes. I had it worse than him. He was watching TV and a commercial came on about a motorized chair. You know the ones that old people tool around on. Koleton told me I needed one when I was sick. Jeez! Didn't think I was that bad!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:59 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
I can't beleive that I'm already 5 months along! We have our ultrasound this Friday. Gosh! I still can't believe it. Our friends are due just a couple weeks before us and had their ultrasound this last Friday. They are having a boy. They already have a little girl so that is really cool for them. We will not be finding out what we are having. I just can't help but think that I'll be a mom to 3 BOYS! YIKES!
Anyway, the baby is moving more and more. I finally look pregnant. Well, I will let you all know how it goes at the ultrasound! Hope you all have a GREAT week!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:22 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pregnancy Countdown Ticker
Interested in pregnancy? Read about pregnancy symptoms
and find baby names.
Interested in parenting tips?
Upload baby photos and learn about breastfeeding.
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:14 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I am here
I've been absent for awhile. I've really been debating about continuing with my Blog. After talking with a close friend I have decided to go ahead with it. It is for ME, my family and my friends.
As I'm writing this I am blessed with the laughter coming from the living room. The boys are playing and are making the little girl I watch giggle. I love baby giggles. When you feel down, it is amazing how great one of those little giggles can make you feel.
Well, I knew it was too good to last. McClain is crying now. Sometimes these moments are short lived but that are wonderful while they last.
So far, this pregnancy is great. It almost makes me sad to know it is my last one. I am feeling the baby wiggle inside me and soon Dan will be able to feel the little movements too. I am finally forming a pretty little baby bump. I am mostly in maternity clothes now. Which is kind of nice because it lets everyone know of the little miracle inside me.
The baby doesn't seem to like to be jostled or squished. I had a chiropractor adjustment last week and the bean sprout went crazy moving around after I was adjusted. I am still working out but stretching is getting a little more difficult. I really can't bend over and even come close to touching my toes. It is very apparent there is a baby there now when I bend over. I still stretch the best that I can though. However, the baby seems to not like that very much. It was very wiggly last night after my workout and stretching. Its fun to feel it in there going crazy though.
I really did cherish each of my pregnancy's but this one seems a little different. I guess its because I know it will be my last. I don't want to miss a thing with this one. The boys like to give the baby kisses and say "Hi baby." It is so cute. I hope this lasts once the baby is here.
Next week we have our ultrasound and I will be 5 months along. We are thinking about taking Koleton to the ultrasound with us. But we are still deciding. It seems like the time is flying by. It almost makes me sad. Before too long we will be a family of 5.
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:58 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
This is what pregnancy does to you
I'm now 4 months preggo. I have a HORRIBLE cold and a cough that just won't stop. My back and chest hurt from all the coughing. My head hurts from all the coughing and lack of sleep. I want to curl up in a ball and not uncurl until everything is better! Everything I want to take, I can't because of the baby! Guess what else! I have to wear a PAD because everytime I cough I pee a little or a lot, depending. It is frickin ridiculous! Dan did say before he left this morning that if it was too much he would try to come home if I needed him too. But they're working in Moscow, actually DOING something! If it was any other day like the last few weeks when he's had a hard time finding something to do, HELL YES I'd have him come home. At least he was kind enough to offer, I guess. I really feel like shit! UGH! Ok, I'm done now!
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:45 PM 1 comments
I had a weekend ALONE!
Thats right! I did! We were originally planning for all of us to go up to Spokane for the weekend. Dan was going to take the boys with his friend and go to the Monster Trucks. We had a hotel reserved and everything. I was going to hang out with my girlfriend while the guys took the kids to the show. Well, us girls decided to let the guys go up alone and we would stay home and go up another time.
The guys left around 11 on Saturday and didn't get home until about 1:30 on Sunday. I had an entire 24 hours all to myself. I hung out at home and cleaned, watched Sex and the City and read the last book of the Twilight series. Saturday my girlfriend and I went to dinner at Thai Garden in Clarkston. It was pretty good. I got her hooked on the Thai Iced Teas! OH SO YUMMY! I missed my guys but it was nice to have so alone time too!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:59 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My sick boy
I'm one tired mama today. Koleton was up puking every half hour until about 2 or 3 this morning. Poor baby! He puked all over his bed and blankets so I have been busy washing blankets and bedding today. I'm so tired. On top of it all I had six kids to watch this morning. Koleton took a nap on the couch and I really wanted to curl up next to him and fall asleep too. Oh well. Maybe I can rest this afternoon during nap time. I hope so!
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Labels: h
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Maybe he'll think twice next time
So, last night when I got home from my CPR training Dan told me that he was talking about me at work. He said he was complaining about how much time I spend on the computer, specifically on Cafe Mom in my IK group. He said that my good friend R got kinda mad and was defending me. He said she thought he was calling me a bad mother or something.
It kinda makes me upset that he was complaining about it in the first place. The only time I AM on it for a long period of time is when he is home. I obviously can't be on it for hours when I little kids running around. Some days it is my ONLY adult interaction! AND I do have a business that is based pretty much ON my computer! So half the time when he thinks I'm on CafeMom I'm putting in a jewelry order or adding up someone's daycare bill! MEN!
Anyway, thanks R for sticking up for me! Next time maybe he'll think twice about where he opens his mouth!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:55 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Koleton and McClainisms
The boys have been saying and doing some interesting things lately. So I thought I would share them with you!
*Koleton fell asleep on the couch and rolled off. He climbed back on the couch but was still kind of awake (or so I thought) He then got up and went into the kitchen. I caught him trying to pee in the garbage can.
*One day Koleton spent the majority of the day in his zip up footie jammies. He then had to go pee. I heard the toilet flush followed by screaming. He apparently snagged the tip of his penis in the zipper. OOPS! He wanted a band aid on it. I said no and then was grateful he didn't ask me to kiss it better!
*The same day the as the zipper incident McClain woke up early from his nap. He has pooped his diaper. Apparently he didn't want to be poopy so he took his diaper off and wiped his butt with his socks!
*This weekend both boys were out in the shop with Dan. Dan came in the house holding McClain who had one shoe and sock off. I asked why and Dan told me Koleton said McClain was in the Hospital having a baby and apparently Koleton was helping deliver :)
I know there are more but that is all the comes to me right now :)
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:02 AM 4 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Having little boys.
So today has been pretty wierd. I had my first appt with the nurse today. That went fine. After my appt I stopped at a girlfriends house to drop off something. I ran inside and left my car running. When I came back my car was dead and it wouldn't start. So, I determined that I needed gas. I had parked on a hill and I think that is why it wouldn't start. So, I borrowed her car, called my mom to go relieve my in laws at my house and ran home to get a gas can. Sure enough that was the problem. SO, lesson learned. If you don't have much gas don't leave your car running while parked on a hill.
So, I didn't get home until about 12. Koleton was still in his jammies and I thought, why change him now. I fed the boys lunch and layed the little ones down for a nap. I decided to shampoo my carpet while they were sleeping. When I got done Koleton ran to go potty. After I heard the toilet flush he started BAWLING! Now the jammies he is wearing are footy, zip up jammies. I ask him what is wrong and he says he zipped his wiener! OH GAWD! So I looked at it to make sure its not bleeding. Its not. He apparently just caught the tip of it. OUCH! So then he says he wants a band aid on his wiener! Umm, NO! At least he didn't ask me to kiss it!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:02 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I'm bored
Where is everyone? I can only handle so much laundry on a Sunday morning before going crazy! The boys are actually playing nice together in their room and not bugging me and Dan is in the shop! I need my girls!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:50 AM 5 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I don't have it so bad
You know, I think that more often than not we focus on the negatives in our life. We forget to look as all the positives. I had a conversation this morning with a lady that made me really think.
This woman is actually my cousin but we are distant. Her daughter is in the same class as Koleton and she always waits for me in the mornings and sits with all the daycare kids so I don't have to unload all 5 or 6 of them and take them in to the class with me. This is a HUGE help. I am so gratefull to her for this.
Anyway, she drives a hunk of junk car while her husband drives a nice new pickup. He had another truck which was pretty new and nice but decided he needed a better one just a couple months ago. So he went out and bought this while his wife is driving this crap car. I mean, it is BAD. It runs but she has to climb through the passenger side to get to the drivers side because her drivers side door is falling off. So, Dan is going to look at it for her to see if he can fix it. She is so gratefull and says she'll pay for him to fix it. I say NO WAY! She does me such a huge favor by sitting with the kids I TOTALLY don't expect her to pay.
So, I was telling her that Dan and I both feel bad for her. I drive the nicer of our vehicles and I really feel thats how it should be. I'm the one toting the kids around all day. And so does she. She pays her mom to watch her kids even when her husband is off work because he won't watch them. He barely started watching her oldest who is almost 5. He is VERY selfish.
I told her that Dan really pisses me off sometimes but he really does put his family first. He would NEVER make me take them to someone because he didn't want to watch them. In fact, he gets mad at Dads that say they are 'babysitting' their own kids.
So, I realized I don't have it as bad as I sometimes think. Although, Dan is SO not sympathetic with pregnancy he is still a good Dan and Husband. After my conversation this morning I called him and told him I loved him because he is a good guy :)
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:26 AM 5 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
So I started out this morning puking. Luckily it was over before any kids started arriving. My kids are used to it by now. Poor things. After I took Koleton to school I forced down some breakfast and was feeling pretty good. This afternoon though I have been so tired and not feeling very good. The boys had a horrible time sleeping last night so I'm sure that is partly why I am so tired. They were both in and out of our bed all night. Yawn...
I must admit I had a pretty good weekend. Dan's niece stayed the night with us Friday. This is good because we used to have her all the time but ever since his brother became a Moron, I mean a Mormon we NEVER see her. Well, she begged her dad to stay with us so that was fun. I took 3 kids to the mall Sat. I will NOT do that again. I did end up finding the boys their Easter outfits for cheap. I was hoping to find a nice coat for McClain for next year but no luck.
Saturday night we all went to our friends house and played pictionary. Dan and I only fought minimally which is good since we usually get so annoyed with each other during this game. It was good times.
Sunday morning was more good times. We all layed around the house and watched a movie until about 10. Then at 11 I was off to CPS to scrap with some girlfriends. Had a GREAT time. Thanks Kristie! She is so fun and so awesome! I really enjoy getting away for awhile and hanging with these girls. There is always LOTS of laughter. Well thats all for now.
D, J, and K...I am praying for you guys. You will be OK. Just hang in there.
Posted by 1funmommy at 4:02 PM 4 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Produce sale
This morning after I dropped Koleton off at school McClain, Zoey and I headed for the Rosauers Produce Sale. I got so much stuff and I only spent $43! I have been craving fruit so this sale was perfect for me. I got oranges, apples, grapefruit, pineapple, onions, potatoes, green peppers, carrots and spinach. Oh yeah, mushrooms too. I'm thinking about making fajitas for dinner tomorrow. I hate shopping when it is busy but this sale is AWESOME! If you get a chance you should go. Oh yeah, I also got spaghetti sauce for $.88 a can, 12 yogurts for $5 and they had chicken breast for $1.99 a lb. I still can't believe I only spent $43! I love it when I can save a buck
So, as far as being pregnant goes. I so wish I would have felt this good with the boys. I hardly even feel pregnant this time. At least compared to how I felt with the boys. I lost 20 lbs with Koleton. Never gained an ounce. Dr. was always threatening me that he was going to put me in the hospital on IVs. It was BAD. Pretty much was the same with McClain. Except I was only sick for 8 months verses 10 months.
This time though, I really don't get sick until bed time. Which means no hanky panky for the hubs. Last night was pretty bad. I was laying in bed and he opened some saugages up in the kitchen just to put 2 into a new bag and the smell made me soooo sick. I also need to give the dog a bath because his smell is really making me sick. He doesn't really stink but I can't stand his odor. Smells are getting to me worse this time.
Since this pregnancy is so different everyone keeps thinking it is a girl this time. But I'm not holding my breath until this kid pops out and I know for sure.
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:01 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Its Raining, its Pouring!
The old man is snoring. What is with this weather??? UGH! I just want to get out of the house and go play outside. The weather is too nasty to do anything though. So, instead I'm stuck inside cleaning! YUCK!
I just scrubbed the sink and now I'm getting ready to move to the bathroom. The computer room is on the way to the bathroom so I took a pit stop. I'm gonna scrub the tub and then work on the toilet. Hopefully, I can get rid of the yuck pee smell thanks to the boys peeing everywhere but IN the toilet! Can I have a girl this time??
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:16 PM 1 comments