I hate how my blog is set up! It looks so unorderly and messy! What template do you guys use? Help me!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thankful and full of relief
I have been struggling very much with something big in our lives right now. It was something that I was sure would upset a dear friend very much. She has been struggling as well and I SO badly did not want to hurt her. I have prayed and prayed for help in this matter.
It came up and I should have known that this friend loves me so much that she isn't mad. Of course it hurts her but she understands. It means so much to me that she is understanding and not mad. What an AWESOME friend! I couldn't ask for anyone better. I love her and I know in my heart that her miracle will happen too.
Posted by 1funmommy at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sleep walking boy
This afternoon Koleton fell asleep on the couch with me. He was laying beside me. I got up and he was kinda on the edge but I figured he'd be fine. Well, he fell off the couch but apparently didn't really wake up.
He got back on the couch and then stumbled his way to the kitchen. He was pulling down his pants. I asked if he had to go potty. He yelled NO. But then he gets next to the garbage and started to stretch on his piggy toes so he could reach the garbage. He tried to PEE in the garbage! Silly boy.
Posted by 1funmommy at 3:01 PM 8 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Guess what!!!!
Its supposed to snow this weekend! So, MAYBE we'll have snow this weekend for our sorority Sledding Christmas party! Keep your fingers crossed!
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:54 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I'm a little late, but still Thankful!
I was very busy last week working on appetizers for the hoity toity part of Dan's family. Turns out the appetizers were a hit! They were very impressed. Huge Relief!!! So, now 10 things I am thankful for:
1. My boys, Koleton and McClain-Just Totally Awesome!
2. Dan. He's always there for me.
3. My dog. He rocks!
4. My car, gets me where I need to go.
5. My home. Nothing fancy, but its our home.
6. My parents. They are finally helping out more.
7. All the kids I watch. I Truly LOVE all of them!
8. Rachaell. My longest friend. We are ALWAYS there for each other.
9. Brenda. Always giving me a laugh when I need it most.
10. Diane. Don't know her much but I LOVE her pretty little baby and her kind words!
See, I listed you by names :)
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Here is the picture from Wasem's. Koleton was the Hunter and McClain was the deer. The best part of McClain's costume was his tail. I have to get some tail pictures from my mom though. I scanned this pic so I'm not so sure how good it is going to come through.
Posted by 1funmommy at 4:01 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sorry I've been MIA lately. First Koleton was sick and then I got it. Koleton was home from school on Monday because he was puking. He was better Tuesday and then I ended up with it yesterday. Only I had it coming from both ends. It was bad enough I had Dan come home from work to help me take care of the kids since I was virtually unable.
Then last week I was supposed to attend training for the Policy Council at Koleton's school that I am on. I had Wed and Thurs off from kids so I could do this. Well, I ended up staying home on Wed because McClain was sick. Then by 11am I had a TERRIBLE pain just below my sternum. It felt a lot like the pain I had when I needed my Gall Bladder out. Since I don't have my gall bladder any more I didn't know what it was from. By 1pm it still hadn't gone away so my mom took me to the hospital. 3 hours and a shot of morphine later I was told it was stomach acid that was irritating my stomach lining. The morphine really didn't do much but finally the pain mostly went away.
So here I am...I've been taking $100 worth of RX to fix the problem. Guess what! It came back tonight. Last for about 2-3 hours. It was so bad I had to have my mom come over until Dan got home. I have a DR appointment in the am and hopefully I can get to the bottom of this pain. When I say pain I mean debilating, can't speak, only grunt HORRIBLE PAIN!!!
I'm scared because I don't have insurance. I hope its nothing big!
Posted by 1funmommy at 6:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 7, 2008
Any one need a sitter?
I'm thinking I need another kid to watch. Preferable just Monday-Thursday. If you hear of anyone let me know. I've just felt kinda a slow lately. Thanks!
Posted by 1funmommy at 4:32 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Brag time!
I don't have pictures loaded yet but I just found out that Koleton and McClain won the costume contest at Wasem's! They were SUPER CUTE! Everyone walking by would stop and say how great it was. I'll post pics soon!
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Am I the last one?
Tag Tag Tag Tag!!!!
You know the drill.
Answer the following with one word:
Where is your cell phone? Charging
Where is your significant other? Working
Hair color? brown
Your mother? Working
Your father? Dead
Your favorite thing? Children
Your dream last night? Awesome
Your dream/goal? Business
The room you’re in? Laundry
Your hobby? Children
Your fear? Death
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Rich
Where were you last night? Gym
What you’re not? Dumb
One of your wish-list items? Addition
Where you grew up? Lewiston
The last thing you did? Lunch
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? Old
Your pet? Sweet
Your computer? Slow
Your mood? Bored
Missing someone? Dad
Favorite store? Ebay
Our summer? Hot
Love someone? Certainly
Your favorite color? bold
When is the last time you laughed? 10 minutes
Last time you cried? Month
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Where did the weekend go?
This weekend went by fast! Dan went hunting Friday and I babysat. It was a very boring day at home. Koleton and McClain were both wearing on my patience. Luckily, Dan came home a little sooner than expected.
Saturday we went to Gymnastics and finish getting stuff for our Halloween costumes. The Halloween Party was a blast! Dan was Dog the Bounty Hunter and I was his wife Beth. We won the best costume prize! I love my sisters and we always have a great time together.
Sunday was pretty boring. I felt like crap. I think I had a stomach bug. Dan was outside most of the day working on his pickup. So, thats it.
Koleton hasn't been to school for the last 2 days. He was up most of the night Sunday night with a fever and puked once. I spent the night with him on the couch. After that night I told Dan I want a comfier couch! I think he is feeling much better today but he is still sleepy and a little warm. Hopefully, we will all be back to normal by tomorrow.
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:00 AM 4 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Not really much to say here. Babies are napping and Koleton is watching a cartoon. Hmmm...McClain doesn't have a binky anymore. He still asks for it but we just distract him. I am starting some potty training with him too. I know its early but he already knows what to do on it. Every time we put him on it he goes a little. I think it really helps having an older brother to watch.
I am going to Spokane on Saturday for a party. I'm going all by myself! My parents will have the boys since Dan will be hunting. I'm not doing any shopping. Just doing the party then coming home but it will be nice to listen to MY music and not B-I-N-G-O and Mary had a little lamb! Hopefully it will be a nice drive.
I'm really glad that fall is here! It makes me happy. Fall and Winter are probably my favorite seasons!
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:50 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
We interupt this marriage for hunting season!
So, hunting season opens this weekend. Both Dan and I like to hunt. In fact, I'm the one that got Dan started hunting. He was with me when he shot his first deer. Anyway, he is leaving tomorrow night to go hunting. I also have my hunting lisence but do you think I get to go? NOPE. I get to stay home and take care of the boys. I guess thats a requirement when you're Mom. No more fun, no more hunting, boys are glued to me at the hip bone. Whatever. I'm not complaining about taking care of my children but why do I have to stay home and he gets to go when we BOTH hunt???
Ok, so I wouldn't be so angry about him going for then ENTIRE weekend but after him getting FURIOUS with me for scrapbooking for 5 hours, I have a little resentment. He said he just doesn't understand how I could scrapbook for 5 hours! I don't even get his problem. The boys were asleep for most of the time anyway! He can leave for days, weeks at a time but I can't even be gone for 5 hours. Apparently, I'm supposed to call and check in with him and let him know what I'm doing. UGH!
He says that I always get mad at him for not doing that. True. But he'll tell me he's gonna be home in an hour and its ALWAYS 2 or more hours after that. So, yeah, I'm a little frustrated.
Sorry about the pity party.
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:22 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
I wrote this for a group that I'm in. My Life Stroy
I was born Amber Ann Henderson on January 21, 1983 to Gary and Laura Henderson. My mom was only 17 when she gave birth to me. My parents got married when they found out my mom was pregnant. They lived with my grandma until just after I was born and my Dad took a job as a guide with an outfitter. It was his job to guide hunters up the mountains and help them find game and pack it out. This was truly my Dad’s dream job. However, my mom was left in a cabin with no electricity or running water, with a baby! I’m not sure how old I was when my Dad left that job and we moved into town. My parents divorced when I was 3 and the only thing I remember of them being together was when my Dad left he punched a hole in the wall.
When I was 4 my mom’s boyfriend moved in with us. He treated me well and we got along pretty well. We didn’t have much money but life was pretty good. My real Dad was always a big part of my life. He would take me back to my mom’s on Sundays and they would always get in a fight. There was a lot of tension between them.
Starting in about 5th grade I really began to despise my step dad. We fought a lot. He was VERY strict and I was always getting grounded. It wasn’t just for a day either. It was always 2 weeks and to my room. I remember once I got grounded for eating a handful of chips after school with out asking. I REALLY hated my life. I would just sit in my room and cry. I hung out in my room a lot because it was better than being around my step dad. My mom wouldn’t always agree with my punishments but she would NEVER stick up for me. That made me really not like her much either.
So, I spent as much time with my dad as I could. We went camping a lot. He taught me how to shoot and fish. He also bought me a horse. I was in 4-h with my horse and I loved it. It only lasted a couple years because my dad couldn’t afford it anymore. He smoked pot a lot and that took over his life. I was about 10 when he told me and once he did he wasn’t even discreet about it. I remember he would dry the pot leaves in my grandma’s dehydrator. He would smoke in front of me all the time. He also let me drink and I got drunk for the first time with my dad at 10 years old. I don’t know if he was trying to keep me from saying anything about his pot or what.
The summer I was 14 my dad and I took a trip to Montana to visit my Uncle and my cousin. It was great. We hiked and camped and that is when I learned how to drive a clutch. On the way home he asked me to come live with him. For the first time he had finally moved out of my grandma’s house. He had a good job, a nice car and for once we all thought he was doing well. He told me he was in rehab and if I was living with him I would give him a reason to stick with it. I said YES. I was really excited.
When I got home I had to tell my mom. I did and she really didn’t say much. I thought about it and decided I wanted to continue living with my mom and step dad. I didn’t want to leave my school or friends. When I told my Dad I had changed my mind he blamed it on my mom and was really mad at me. For the first time in my life he hung up the phone with out saying “I love you.” I was devastated.
A couple weeks later my Dad called me and said he understood why I changed my mind. He wasn’t mad at me and he loved me. 2 weeks later my grandma came to my house to tell me my Dad killed himself.
I thought it was my fault. I lost my best friend. I told him everything. My world ended. I had to start my freshman year with out my dad. I was SO angry at my dad. I thought that he didn’t love me enough. I mean, how could he take his own life and hurt me so bad. I felt he was being very selfish. (maybe that’s why I can’t stand selfish people now!) Now I know my dad suffered from depression and was self medicating by using pot. I now know it wasn’t my fault and I’m not as angry with him. I wish my dad was here to see his grand sons and it’s frustrating to know that it was his choice to not be. However, I know that he just couldn’t cope anymore and this was the only way he could get out of the pain he was living in.
After my dad died I was in counseling for about a year. My mom came with me for awhile. My anger issues with my step father came out. He came to one session with us and never went back.
When I was about 16 or 17 my step dad and I started getting along. I worked almost full time and I matured fast. Maybe that’s what we needed. I now look at my step dad as a father. He loves me and my boys.
I met Dan when I was 20. I fell pretty hard. I felt like I had to be around him all the time. I would have an anxiety attack if he wanted to be alone. It was crazy. I don’t know why he stayed with me but now I know it was because he wanted to help me. I’m so grateful he did. I started counseling again and got on anti depressants. I think I was so afraid that this man that I loved so much was going to leave me just like my dad did.
He didn’t and we were married on September 25, 2004. I was about 2 weeks pregnant with Koleton and didn’t know it. I took a pregnancy test the day we got home from our honeymoon. Koleton was born on June 2, 2005 and we had McClain on February 16, 2007.
I’m a stay at home mom now and I love my family more than anything. Life is hard sometimes. Marriage is hard sometimes but I truly believe that what doesn’t break you only makes you stronger. I am a stronger person because of my dad and for that I am grateful to him.
So there you have it...my story.
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:06 AM 4 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My poor baby
McClain is sick. He has a low grade fever and a snotty nose with goobery eyes to go along with it. He woke up at 5:45 this morning. I was already up but I know he just didn't feel good. I went to Vigs to get some Sinus Rescue with Silver in it so hopefully within 48 days he will be better. If not then the next step is antibiotics. He is such a little tender heart anyway and even more so when he is sick. I just want to snuggle him all day.
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Do I, or Don't I?
So, yesterday I started watching a 6 week old baby girl. She is the sweetest, cutest little thing. I have to be up by 5am because her mom drops her off around 5:15am. I thought I would HATE being up that early but it is actually really nice. I have a few hours of quiet! Not to mention I'm up with Dan before he heads off to work. I take the time with no kids and a sleeping baby to get ready for my day. It is really nice.
So the question is...Do I want another baby? Most of you would think that having the little girl around would definately make me want another baby, especially a girl. However, I think it has worked in the opposite way for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE babies and love having them around. But it is nice to send them home at the end of the day. It really is a lot of work getting a baby ready and lugging around that ridiculously heavy carseat just to go to the store or pick Koleton up from school. Its nice to be able to tell the boys go get in the car, lets go!
The boys are really pretty independent. At least when compared to a 6 week old baby. I love not having to change diapers all day/night. I Love sleeping through the night! So, does this make me selfish? Obviously, this total dependence thing doesn't last long but do I want to do it? I love my boys and I keep saying I want a girl but now I'm wondering if I really do. Could I get used to all the girly things? It is kinda nice being the only girl around. But it would also be nice to have another girl around to go shopping with and go get nails/hair done with.
I'm still up in the air!
Posted by 1funmommy at 6:58 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Manic Monday
It started out we were late for school. Koleton took a late nap on Sunday and would NOT wake up on Monday cause he stayed up too late fighting with us about going to bed. So, we're running late thanks to Mr. Sleep Head. Well, he decides to open the car door while I'm putting McClain in his seat. And SCREAM!!!! He shut his fingers in the door. YAY. It really wasn't that bad but he was CONVINCED he needed a band aid. Ok, we're late but if it stops the sobbing fine. So I go running to the house to get a band aid. I'm locked out! GREAT! My keys are in my old purse which is inside.
Luckily, I was able to get ahold of Dan and get the house keys out of his pickup.
Thank goodness he was with carpooling with the other guy this week and his truck was still in town!
Right before I was scheduled to meet with Miss K and her momma McClain silently awoke from his nap with a poopy diaper. I realized he was awake when the house started to smell like poop. So, I go in McClain's room to find he had taken off his poopy diaper and smeared it all over his crib and himself. YUMMO!
I was just getting cleaned up when Miss K and her mom showed up. The boys LOVE babies and were totally all over Miss K and her mom. They were like little actors. They were CRAZY. I'm not sure if Miss K and her mom were impressed. The boys were off the walls. They are usually busy but they were totally showing off for the two ladies that were visiting. Thank God that day is over! Oh by the way, Miss K is just as cute in person as she is in the pics.
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:27 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Koleton's 1st Day
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:12 AM 5 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
- One of my sorority sister's aunt has been in the process of adopting a little boy from Russia for three years. She is actually in Russia at this time starting her 10-day waiting period and received devastating news. You can read her note below at my sister's site. She is asking for prayers THURSDAY (TONIGHT) at 7:00 p.m.
- http://bubblessimplelife.blogspot.com/
I have been praying for Mona and HER little boy all day. This is breaking my heart. Please pray, cross your fingers, send good vibes or whatever you do please do it. Thank you!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:47 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Camping trip
Dan, the boys and I finally got out of town around 4pm on Friday. MUCH later that we had thought but it was OK. By the time we made it to the camp ground there were 3 sites available. We took the one that we thought would be the best to provide enough room for 2 tents. It still wasn't very accomidating.
We got our new tent camper all set up and decided to head back into St. Maries because we thought the King Pins were playing but apparently they weren't there until Sat. So we went to the fair and let the boys play some games. Those things are total rip offs but the boys still had fun.
When we got back to camp it was time for bed. We struggled for about an hour to get both boys asleep. Niether like sleeping anywhere other than home so we knew it would be a chore.
Dan and I were just starting to fall asleep when new campers started arriving to set up their camp. At 1am!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!? Come on! Lights were shining on us, car doors slamming around us and people laughing. We were getting ready to go lay the smack down but realized it wouldn't do any good.
So the next morning we set out in the car to drive around and find a new place to camp. We don't like caming like a box of sardines. That was literally how it was. We finally found a little spot right on the river. It was kinda close to the road but other than that it was perfect! We could fish right in camp and we were by ourselves. It was plenty big enough for everyone too.
We had a lot of fun. Koleton was trying to fish and fell in the river. It wasn't a very warm day so he just got cold. I was right there and able to pull him out. It was swift or anything. Just cold. It was fun hanging out with our friends and family and the boys had a lot of fun getting dirty.
Now, why does my house still look like it was hit by a tornado??
Posted by 1funmommy at 3:51 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
So much for my nice, relaxing weekend
So, we are going up to Heyburn State Park to go camping this weekend. I was really looking forward to this trip as it will be our first "real" camping trip together this year. Well, someone just rained on my parade. Dan's Dad just called and said that my brother in law might go as well as Dan's Step sister.
I really don't get along with Dan's brother. He is selfish and I just don't like him. I think the feeling is mutual. I get along OK with his step sister but she is pretty much as trailer trashy as they come. Oh, and she is gay. Which doesn't bother me at all but she is just so wierd about it. She has had 3 kids and all 3 have been taken away. Just not really who I wanted to spend my weekend with. There is still a chance they won't come so I'm crossing my fingers. If they do come I'm going to try to make the best of it. But I know something is gonna happen to piss me off! UGH!
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:50 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dear Lord, Help me!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:38 AM 4 comments
Weekend plans
I am so excited to get out of town! We are headed to Spokane tomorrow morning. We are refinancing our house and sign the papers up there at 10:30 tomorrow. This is a huge relief. OUr payment will be higher BUT we will be paying EVERYTHING else off. YAY! That will be nice. So, I get a day off from babysitting to go to Spokane. I felt bad not being able to sit on Friday but it will be a nice break too. After we sign our papers we are just going to shop around and play around in Spokane.
Saturday we will probably be on the lake with my Aunt and Uncle in their boat. That is always fun. VERY relaxing. Saturday night I have a Silpada party at my cousin's house. This will be my first party on my own so I'm excited.
We will be coming home on Sunday, probably fairly early so we can get Dan's stuff ready to go out of town. He also wants to finish up his tattoo with the boys' names. We'll see about that.
I'll try to take pictures while we are gone to show you on monday when we get back.
Oh yeah, we have an ice cream social tonight. I'm sure the boys will enjoy that!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:20 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm in Business
Thats right. Its official. I am now a registered representative for Silpada Designs. Check out my website mysilpada.com/amber.larreau
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:07 PM 0 comments
So, this weekend we hit the Genesee City Wide Yard Sale. It was really a lot of fun. That is the way to go yard saling. It was awesome. The best find I think was a bread maker for $3. I've already tried it out and it works great! Genesee is really a cute little town. Everyone is very friendly too. One of those towns where everyone knows each other. That was our big weekend fun. I went to a babyshower on Sunday. It was fun too. I wish the baby was there so I could squeeze her in person though. I rubbed mom's belly instead. She is so cute. So there ya have it. My exciting weekend!
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Oh yeah!
I forgot this part. When dickhead told us he didn't want us driving in the back anymore he DID tell us we could still use the gravel area (where the truck is now) as a parking spot. Apparently, he changed his mind.
AND on top of all this we don't know where the truck keys are. Dan was going to move it this weekend but we couldn't find the keys. Luckily, my dad is coming over when he gets off work and we're going to push it. What a way to start a monday!
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:35 PM 0 comments
I'm gonna fricking go CRAZY
Ok so I just got into it BAD with my neighbor. Yes, the one that is a jerk and has been since the day we moved in. Let me give you a little background. We bought the house from my parents. They lived here for like 15 years. They have always parked next to the house which is right next to the neighbors driveway. Our property line is only 5 feet off of the side of the house. So when you park there you are actually a few feet on his property. He never had a problem when my parents did that. They always drove back there threw our back yard to get access to the back of the property where they parked the camper, snowmobiles and 4 wheelers. NEVER was a problem when they lived here.
Well, we moved in 3 years ago. We have a few OLD cars that will be projects in the future. So, we drove through OUR back yard only about 5-10 extra feet on the neighbors property so we could put them in the very back. Ok, no problem. Apparently, after just talking to Dan he did ask the nieghbor if that would be ok. Sure, just as long as it is not a constant thing. Ok, done.
Well, after we moved the dickhead decided he didn't want us driving back there anymore. So, he was going to put up a fence. Well, it took him all summer to put in 3 posts. The posts were only like 3 ft high and it looked like Shit.. Well, we were kinda upset because now we didn't have access back to our cars. What the hell were we going to do. So was asked the land owner (yes, dickhead rents the lot) if we could buy an easement. He said that if the renter didn't want us back there then he didn't want to make him unhappy. So...we ended up putting up a nice fence and our other neighbor lets us go on his property to get to the back.
Well, today I'm out mowing the lawn and he knows that Dan is gone out of town. I stop to move the picnic table and he yells at me that he called the cops and if we don't move the pickup (which is like 2 ft on his RENTED lot) then he is going to have it towed. This isn't the first time he has came to ME about things he was unhappy about. He yelled at our siding guy for backing up right next to our house to unload his materials. Which by the way the siding guy went up to his door and knocked to ask permission but he never came to the door. He was only there for less than 10 minutes. He also yelled at the people that set up the castle for Koleton's party. And they were only there for like 10 minutes. So, I'm a little bit pissed that he can't even frickin talk to Dan he waits for him to leave and then takes it up with me.
So, I bit back. We have been nothing but GOOD neighbors. We don't party. We don't do anything to be bad neighbors. He said we have been nothing but unneighborly since we moved in. He brought up the fact of us moving the cars in. He said we didn't ask. WRONG! Dan did ask he said it was fine. He said the siding guy didn't ask, WRONG! He tried. And who cares he was unloading his equipment and was done within 10 minutes. I asked him why he was being such an asshole and what we ever did to him. I said why were we to assume it would be different for us than it was for my parents. He said that was my parents not us. He said that my father in law told him the reason we had to move from the last place was because we were shitty neighbors. WHAT! Thats a big fat lie! I was pregnant! How rowdy could we have been. Plus, we OWNED the last place too! He is a frickin liar!
So, I brought up the fact that he ran into our fence and broke it and we said not to worry about that we would fix it because we knew he wasn't physically able to. I told him next time it happens we'll call the cops and be the crappy nieghbors he thinks we are. Once I said that he shut up. He knew that we could have MADE him fix the fence and pay for the materials but we didn't. We said accidents happen not a big deal. Pretty NEIGHBORLY of us don't ya think.
Its awfully manly of him to wait until my husband leaves town to say anything. As if I don't have ENOUGH things to deal with! OMG I'm going to go CRAZY! I was BAWLING! I'm done! I want to kick him! Where it REALLY hurts! You asshole!
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:39 AM 3 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Where did all the Cowboys go??
Where is everyone?? I miss you. Blog, blog, blog. What happened to K baby's mom? And my sista from another motha? Did Rosie take Bren with her when she passed? Where is everyone??????? AAAAHHHHHHHHHH
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Come ON!!
I'm bored! Would someone flippin blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
So this weekend was fair. Friday night we went to a pool party at my parents friends house. They have a REAL pool! I have known all these people since I was a little girl so it was nice to see them all again. The boys had a blast in the pool.
Saturday was great! My parents came and picked up the boys and took them to Kooskia. They got to visit my grandma and had fun. I hung out with the sistas and made some hats for the cancer patients. I was sent home with homework and I actually finished them yesterday! Woot Woot! I always laugh so much with the girls. I love them :)
Saturday night we went and listened to Candlebox at Rockin' on the River. We sat outside the gates with the boys for a little while. We were in the paper!
After that we drove up to Diane's house so Dan could look at her son's car that needs some body repair. We hung out there until about 11 and came home. It was a pretty fun day.
Sunday Dan was busy working on painting some fenders so we didn't do much. Just hung around the house. All in all it was a good weekend. I would have liked to see Dan more but I guess thats how it goes.
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Its Monday!

Posted by 1funmommy at 12:31 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Whats for dinner
Ok so hubs works out of town Mon-Thurs. So every week I cook him something to take for dinner. Well, I'm out of ideas. Do you guys have any recipes for something cheap and easy and will travel well??
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:14 PM 4 comments
Hump day
Ok, so today is Wednesday right? YAY! Dan comes home tomorrow. Hopefully, he won't be as busy as he was last weekend. He does need to paint a couple things but he's down to the easy parts.
We need to start working on our house. We have to go under the house and jack up the floors. They have started to sag in a few areas. We need to remove old
sheet rock and put up new on the outside walls. Once that is done we can finish the trim on the windows. I'm so excited to get that done because then we can rip up the carpet and put down the hard wood we have. Then I can re paint the walls and start getting my house back! OMG! There is sooo much to do!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
More bloggin'
My goal for the week: More blogs
I'm going to try!!! The rest of my week will be busy with babies but I'm going to try to make time for this. My biggest problem is not knowing what to blog about. I always feel like I'm throwing myself a pity party when I blog. I HATE that. But it is also nice to vent.
Anyway, money is REALLY tight right now. That is stressing me out a little. Dan asked me if I wanted to do something this weekend. I'm like WE HAVE NO MONEY. We can't even go for a drive cause gas is so frickin' expensive!
I'm trying to get started in Silpada. So if anyone wants to have a party just to help me get going that would be awesome! Hosting a party is a GREAT way to get free jewelry too!
I'm trying to get Koleton into Headstart. We make too much money though. The only way he will get in is if they don't have enough qualifying applicants. We have a meeting today at 3:30. I'm not holding my breath. Anyone know of any other alternatives that won't cost me an arm and a leg. I want Koleton to start off ahead of the game. I think Pre-school is very important but VERY expensive.
Well, I guess that is all for now.
I had a great time scrapping Friday night. I think we need to make this a monthly thing. It was a good time!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:32 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I need sleep!
On top of everything else I barely got any sleep last night. I stayed up watching Without A Trace until 11pm. I was just getting ready to fall asleep at 11:30 when McClain woke me up. He was up until 1:30am. I nursed him, I sat with him, I put him in his crib. He cried for 30-45 minutes when so I finally decided to bring him to bed with me. But not until after Koleton woke up and decided to come sleep with me. So, McClain's in his bed crying and Koleton says to me, "Mama, CainCain want you." So I had to flip floppin, bed hoggin, feet sprawlin boys in bed with me. I did not sleep well at all! Then McClain decided to wake up at 6:30! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:41 AM 1 comments
I'm back
Wow! Life has been so crazy. Dan's Grandma in California passed away 2 weeks ago today. The Thursday after we decided we were going to drive down there. I got to Umatilla to meet Dan and with the advice of some family members we decided not to go. So, I missed my much needed girls night out. Oh well.
On Saturday we left for a week long camping trip with Dan's Mom's side of the family. Dan stayed the night and then had to leave for work on Sunday night. I was left with the 2 boys camping until Friday morning with Dan's family. His Aunt and Uncle from Portland are YUPPIES! Everything they eat is organic and gourmet. Ever heard of an organic hot dog? Yep we had em. It was crazy. You weren't allowed to poke a tree (with your finger) because you might hurt it.
So by the time Dan got there Friday morning I was ready for a break. Chasing around 2 boys under 3 while camping isn't very relaxing. It didn't get much better when Dan was there. He was busy doing other stuff and I still had to take care of the boys.
All in all it was a good trip but very tiresome.
Monday when I got home I was busy unpacking and cleaning and doing laundry.
I discovered something that made me EXTEMELY upset. It is slightly better now but a very hard thing to understand and get over. Thank goodness I had good friends to talk to and feed me :) I didn't want to be alone and it was nice that I didn't have to be.
So, its taken me 2 different sit downs to get this out so I'm not sure how much sense it has made. All I know is that I am SO ready for scrapbook night and I still have NO idea what my project will be.
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I want to leave again
So, my life has been so crazy lately. I'm not sure if I can handle much more. This will have to be short. I think the boys escaped outside. BUT yesterday was HORRIBLE! It was like dating drama all over again. I mean, are you serious??? Remember RESPECT? Oh, so sorry it slipped your mind. I guess my feelings don't matter. I have to go for now. I will blog more later. I just want a normal life!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Time is of the ESSENCE
I know that since I stay home I should be on here more. But I honestly have a hard time even finding time to read the blogs let alone write one.
I always have someone needing my attention. For those of you who do it you know that it is hard work being a stay at home mom. It was so much easier when I was able to just get up get ready and drop Koleton off at daycare. The house stayed clean because we weren't home to mess it up. All I had to worry about all day was my daily work. I had the TIME to get it done. No worries.
Now, I have to get up make breakfast get the kids ready so we are ready for the other kids I watch to arrive. When they get here its time for entertainment. Everyday is different. The entire time I'm chasing after them cleaning up behind them. It is never ending but yet my house is always a mess. Then its lunch and clean up after that. AFter everyone leaves its time to serve my kiddos dinner. Then bath time and HOPEFULLY bedtime, which never comes easily.
Whenever I try to get away it never fails that SOMEONE is getting into SOMETHING their not SUPPOSED to. UGH! So, I'm sorry if I don't blog often. I want to, I just can't find the time :(
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:39 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Not a baby anymore
So Koleton has graduated to Pre-School. In gymnastics that is. He's been doing gymnastics since he was about 18 months old. Now that he is 3 he is in the next class up. It was so crazy to watch last night!
In his Buddy and Me class the parents had to go out with the kids and help them through the course. Koleton would always run around and go crazy. He wouldn't follow the course and just do what he felt like doing. So, I was a little scared at how it would be without Dan or I out there with him.
To my surprise he did AWESOME! He waited his turn, he did what the teacher told him and was such a good little boy. I was so PROUD of him! It makes me so happy but so sad at the same time. My baby is growing up! It is so much fun though!
Posted by 1funmommy at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
This weekend
He always has
to throw that in!

McClain's name will be under Koleton's
The Gargoyle is a protector. He's holding
a hammer and chisel.
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Much better weekend
Last weekend sucked. It just plain sucked. I don't see Dan all week and then he comes home on the weekend and I still barely see him.
This weekend was MUCH better. Friday afternoon we did some errands together as a family + one. We had Z the little girl as watch with us. She is so stinkin' cute! Then Fri night Aunt Shell and Uncle Ronnie watched the boys for us so we could have a date. It was so nice of them to offer and we took full advantage of it.
We started at the Quality Inn for dinner. OMG it was SO yummy! Worth every penny. I was feeling guilty about spending that much on dinner but we NEVER do that and it was EXCELLENT. After dinner we stopped a "fun" store and bought a goodie. We picked up the boys by 10. They were both fast asleep. They really like spending time with Aunt Shell and Uncle Ronnie and Koleton is always asking about them. So it was good for everyone I think.
Sat I went to coffee with the girls. It was a good time. So nice to sit and chat and have some "adult" interaction. After coffee we went to Sears to have Koleton's pictures done. He did such a good job. He is super cute!
Saturday afternoon we just hung out. Went to the gym with the boys and swam. That was fun. The pool was a little chilly though. Saturday night Dan got the UFC fight on paperview and we had some friends over. Koleton and their daughter played really well. They had a pillow fight and took turns flying around the living room. It felt good to really laugh and have fun with friends and the kids.
Yesterday we went to breakfast and then came home and did some yard work. Dan also had some more added to his tattoo of Koleton's name. Once again we took the boys to some friends' house so I could tag along. I think we have finally realized how important it is to have alone time together. Regardless of how boring it is it is important. This weekend was so much better and I think it will make this week better too.
I'm babysitting until 1:30 then I'm just going to hang out with my boys for awhile. I'm going to go to the gym and workout. Its funny that I am looking forward to the gym. I am going to workout and read my book. It will be my alone time for the day and I am looking forward to that.
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
What were you doing five years ago?
Dating Hubby, working, Having Fun
What are five things on your to-do list for today (not in any particular order)?
1. Take a shower
2. Babysit
3. Laundry
4. Go to Walmart
5. Go on date with Hubby (thanks Rachaell!)
What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Chocolate
2. Chips
3. Mocha
4. Ice Cream
5. Artichoke dip w/ pita chips
five things would you do if you were a billionaire?
1. Pay off ALL bills
2. By some land and build a house
3. Go on an exotic vacation with NO kids
4. Probably have another baby (girl)
5. Pay off my parent's house
What are five of your bad habits?
1. Not standing up for myself
2. Eating cause I'm bored
3. Playing with my Monroe
4. Cafe Mom
5. Biting my nails
What are five places where you have lived?
1. Kamiah, ID
2. Lewiston, ID
3. Lewiston, ID
4. Lewiston, ID
5. Lewiston, ID
What are five jobs you've had?
1. Babysitter
2. Gun Club
3. Taco Bell (3 weeks)
4. Receptionist at Hall Copeland
5. Valley Ear Nose and Throat
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
What a weekend.
Dan didn't get home until Friday at 7:30. He had to work an extra day since they had Monday off. Him coming home a day later really made the weekend fly by.
So Saturday we went to breakfast at Zany's. It was a much better experience than our first time there for breakfast. We ended up getting 2 coupons for 2 free breakfasts on each. I think they forgot to put the cheese on my omelette though. I had an appt at 10:45 so I didn't want to complain and be late.
My appointment was for a Massage, Pedicure and Body wrap that I got for Mother's Day. The massage was nice. Definately not my favorite but hey. My toes look purty from my pedicure. I got french tips. Pretty for summer. The body wrap was a little cheesey. My hubby basically paid an extra $35 for me to be covered in an electric blanket after my massage. I would say it was a RIP OFF! Dan wasn't very happy when he heard that was all it was but he didn't know. It was still very relaxing and I enjoyed every minute of it.
While I was waiting for Dan to pick me up I wandered across the street to CPS and found Brenda there. Big surprise! It was nice to visit with her for awhile though. I love her wit! I could hang with her all day! She is so much fun and so genuine! But my ride arrived and I had to part ways.
SO...Sunday was the BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY. Koleton was turning 3 and we had rented a big blow up jumping castle with a wet/dry slide. Well after watching it pour down rain all morning I was starting to get a little worried. So, Dan called and asked if we could change it to the Gymnastics Building. They said sure, so we were set to have the party from 6-8 instead of 2-4. So we called EVERYONE and told them the new place and time.
It started to clear up in the afternoon and Dan decided he wanted to have the castle after all. SO, he called and they said sure. So we had the castle from 6-8. We didn't use water cause it was still a little cool but the kids had a LOT of fun.
Koleton got a lot of presents. I always worry about the present part. I really want my kid to appreciate every gift as much as the other. Well, everytime he opened clothes he would just throw them aside and want the next gift. I don't want him to think that is all birthdays are about. I used to hate it when I would see kids open a gift and throw it aside before even looking at it. Now my kid is doing that. UGH! I tried to make him relax and enjoy each gift a little before the next. But everytime he was done opening one there was another kid RIGHT there stuffing another gift in his face to open. Is this normal for kids? Am I expecting too much from my 3 year old to appreciate clothes just as much as the toys. It makes me want to request no gifts at his next birthday.
All in all, it was a short but good weekend. I didn't get to see Dan as much as I would have liked. His working out of town is really starting to get to me. Even when he gets home he has other stuff to do than spend time with his wife and kids. I'll blog more about that later.
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:44 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My Hiney hurts
So much for a nice restful weekend. We went to Hayburn State Park for our annual family get together. This year my cousin got married on Sat. It was the Cheesiest wedding I've ever been to. But whatever works for them I guess.
Well, after the wedding Dan and I decided to go for a bike ride. He told me the bike path was really flat. YEAH RIGHT! So after a couple miles I had enough and we decided to turn back. Good thing too because it started to rain on our way back. My butt hurt soooo frickin bad!!!!
So we came back Sunday. I did a crap load of laundry and went to bed.
On Monday I got up made breakfast and Dan went out to work on a car. I mowed both the front and back yard. Then around 1 Dan decided he wanted to go fishing at Mann's lake. Ok, I thought that sounds like fun. BUT he wanted to ride our bikes out there. OH MY GOSH!!! We live half a block from Thain. I don't know how I did it but I made it out there. MY BUTT HURT SOOO BAD! It felt like I had just given birth. I'm so serious! It hurt so bad I thought there was no way I would make it home. So I called my step dad and he came and rescued me! My ARSE still hurts!
Posted by 1funmommy at 2:58 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Do you believe in ghosts?
So the strangest thing happened last night. I think my son sees Dead People. This is what happened.
It was 9:30pm (I know Koleton should have been in bed, but he just wouldn't go). Koleton is laying on the couch and he asks me, "mama why that guy up there?" and points to the ceiling. What?? I say. He repeats. Ok, I'm freaked out. I call Dan and he's like WHOA. He tells me to bat at the spot on the ceiling where Koleton is pointing. Ummmm...NO. I'll pass. So, I ask Kolte if the 'guy' is still there. He says yeah, all the way up there at the top. Once again, pointing to the ceiling. He's kinda giggling and it didn't seem to bother him. So, what do you guys think??
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:42 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Back to normal
So over the weekend I was at the cabin with my sorority sista's. It was a great time. I feel much closer to them now. I love all my sisters so much. It was nice to get home and see the boys and Dan though. I missed them.
Sunday night I started feeling really crummy. My left breast hurt sooooo bad and I started running a fever. By midnight my temp was 103. I decided to go to the ER because Dan was leaving at 2 am and I had nobody to watch the boys. So I drove my self to the Hospital. Don't ask me how, I was soooo out of it. By the time I got there my temp had went up and I was miserable. I was in and out within an hour. I think they felt sorry for me. I kept appoligizing 'cause I hate going to the ER for stupid stuff. I told them that I Dan was leaving and I had no one to watch my kids.
So, turns out I have Mastitis. It is a breast infection. Pretty much an infected milk duct. You can get it when you are nursing. I've had it before and it completely knocked my down. It is like the flu but worse. I denied any pain meds so that McClain doesn't get doped up too. I spent the day at my parents yesterday so I could sleep and rest a little. Thank God for that. I am feeling SO much better today.
Not a very happy end to the weekend.
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:34 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Never Assume Anything
Yesterday was an interesting day.
I watched the 2 boys I babysit until about 1. I hadn't taken a shower before they came over so I had to take one when they left and before sorority. So, I layed McClain down and set Koleton on the chair with a movie. I thought all was good. McClain was making NO sounds so I ASSUMED he was asleep. Koleton was totally zoned out in front of the movie and I ASSUMED he would fall asleep.
Well, about half way through my shower Koleton comes running in, "Mommy Cain fell out." Hmmm..."Cain fell out I repeat." "Yes" he says. "Cain fell out of his crib?" "Yes" he repeats. During the conversation I learn that this is true as I can hear McClain's cries getting louder and louder and then he appears in the bathroom. He appears to be fine and is no longer crying once he sees me so I continue my shower.
I guess there is no such thing as a nice, peaceful shower anymore. I'm SERIOUS!
So, I had sorority last night and it was my program. So I took the boys to our friends house (the ones that I babysit for). Koleton always has a really good time there playing with Hunter downstairs in the playroom.
Well, at about 9pm I get a call from the Dad asking me to bring back the carpet shampooer I had borrowed. I found out why they needed it back when I picked up the boys. Apparently, Koleton had found a bottle of lotion and squirted it EVERYWHERE. He also bit Maddox the 18 month old. So, he was in time out pretty much the entire time he was there. I was SO embarrassed that my kid was so NAUGHTY. It really bothered me. I felt so bad that I had left my kid at their house and he was nothing but trouble.
So I called Dan and told him what happened. I was crying while I was talking to him. He told me I need to get a handle on him. WHAT?!?!? I am home with the boys by myself all week! I've tried everything. Maybe if he was home to help out it would be different. I can't even get him to pee IN the toilet for crying out loud!
Posted by 1funmommy at 9:46 AM 6 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
So, I really don't know what to blog about so this will probably be really random.
I took McClain to the Dr today because he was pretty wheezy yesterday. Of course, its just a virus. I knew it but at least I feel better now.
Dan will be coming home tonight!!! YAY! I'm excited to have him home for a few days. He'll be busy doing body work on a car for a guy but at least he'll be home!
Koleton is definately pushing my buttons more now that Dan is gone. This always happens when Dan is out of town. I'm not sure what to do with him but I guess we'll get through it.
I'm so glad that we will be getting our tax stimulus check soon. Hopefully, tomorrow. We are trying to refinance and it looks good if we have some money in the bank cause we sure don't have any right now!
Hope this makes you happy Brenda!
Posted by 1funmommy at 12:32 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The woes of Pee Pee
OK, so we have been working on potty training Koleton since before Christmas. Let me tell you that really tries a person's patience. First he would only go pee on the toilet. Then he would do both about half on the toilet and half in his undies. Let me tell you, You MUST have a strong stomach as a mom or dad even unless you want to buy stock in the baby undies department. YUCK!!!
Well, now he is almost completely potty trained. We still put a pull up on him at night as he does have the occasional wet nights. This is GREAT but he is a BIG BOY now and insists on doing it all by himself. He won't just sit on the toilet he must stand now. He has to do it like Hunter. Hunter is the 4 year old that I watch. So now EVERYTIME I go in to use the bathroom I must clean up a pee puddle first. It is all around the toilet, on the floor, EVERYWHERE!!!!
SO once again, I say "I WANT A GIRL!!!!"
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:56 AM 4 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
The life of a Construction Worker
So...You may or may not know that Dan used to work for a Custom Body Shop in town. It will remain nameless in order to protect the GUILTY! Anyway, he was the shop foreman and he LOVED what he did. Well, last September things went crazy and the owner decided to make some "changes" because the shop wasn't doing so hot. The real reason it wasn't doing great is because the owner was never there and he spent more money than the shop was making. So, Dan had to find new employment.
Back to construction here we come. Now, don't get me wrong. It is a good living and Dan likes doing construction also. He really likes to have something to show after all of his hard work. He is making more money doing construction than he was at the body shop. There is a LOT less drama too.
However, I HATE CONSTRUCTION!!! When spring/summer comes he is always out of town. WAHHAHHAH!!! The boys and I got spoiled I guess from him being home working most of the winter. But today is the day he left for the next out of town job. I seriously feel like a single mom when he is gone. He won't be back until Thurday night. Then when he gets home he has so much stuff to do.
He has a bug to work on for a guy and has freinds to help out. I don't mind this AT ALL as our friends have helped us out SO MUCH in the last few months. Oh well, at least I can watch him sleep on Thursday :)
So thats my bitch of the week. I promise I'll start blogging about happier things! I'm ready for the week now though. Bring it on.
Rachaell, you better come ready to sweat 'cause I'm ready to kick some serious ass today!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:38 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A little vent
Oh my gosh. Today has been a day. I have 5 kids under my care. At 4:30 I have to leave to go work at the Day Care in Adcope. I have to drop McClain off with my dad first though because he is sick. Poor baby. He just doesn't feel good and he pukes every once in awhile.
So after a week of non-stop kids, it looks like I'll have a weekend full of kids too. Dan found a pole building that he can have as long as he gets it torn down and gone by the weekend. Its good news, it will save us a LOT of money when we start building our shop but I won't be seeing him at all this weekend. Then...he is working out of town next week! ARE YOU SERIOUS! I hate out of town jobs. I'll be a single mom more than I already am.
Oh well, thats life :)
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:27 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I feel down.
I am going through a trying time in my life right now. I feel lost and I don't know what to do. Have you ever felt like something is missing in your life? I do. I feel selfish even saying that. I have more than most women will ever have.
I have 2 beautiful boys. I have an awesome, hardworking husband. My hubby works his ass off so I can stay home and raise our boys. I have a roof over my head and shoes on my feet. What more do I need, right. I have everything that should make me happy. I have everything that I EVER wanted to have in my life.
So why do I feel like this. I just feel so selfish. I am really struggling right now. Am I falling into depression. Lets face it. Depression runs in my family. I don't know if it is genetic or not but I've had my family tell me it is. My Dad committed suicide when I was 14 for crying out loud. Lately, I've been struggling with that more too. Its been almost 11 years and I have accepted it for a long time now.
Can I honestly say I don't know what I want. No. I know what I want. I've tried to get it but nothing ever changes. I've talked until I'm blue in the face and nothing ever changes. I guess I just shouldn't waste my breath on it anymore. I'll just get over myself and be happy with the wonderful life that I have.
Well, I thought this would make me feel better but it really hasn't. Sorry for the pitty party :(
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:23 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
This week has been a busy one for me. I've been working at the Chiro's office and babysitting. This has all made me realize I need to simplify and organize. I read somewhere about making dinner menus at least a week in advance. So, I did that. I hate trying to figure out what to make at dinner time. Do we have everything that is needed? I hate finding out I'm missing an ingredient when I 'm right in the middle of cooking. So, I made my menu and at the same time made my grocery list for next week. I think this will be soooo much easier. Why didn't I do this a LONG time ago? Oh well.
Next week I will be babysitting 2 boys full time. This will take some getting used to. I won't be able to go run errands during the week anymore. But that is a good thing. The more I stay at home the less money I spend and the more money I will be making. This is a VERY good thing.
It sounds like Dan will be going out of town again in the next week or so. That TOTALLY sucks! The boys and I have enjoyed him being home so much. I'm not looking forward to the whole transition and the boys missing their daddy. It really does affect their behavior. They get sick of seeing my face all the time. I can't say that I blame them. We cannot open a business soon enough. But Dan is saying he doesn't see it happening until 3-5 years from now. We'll be working on things and will do it as soon as possible. It is scary to think about though when the economy is falling. Not a great time to start a business. But we'll see.
Well, my friends...Until next time...
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
The end of Easter Weekend
The boys had a fun Easter. We hit 2 hunts and hid eggs at my parent's house. Yesterday we had dinner with my parents. Koleton was having a great time and then he suddenly started crying and was being really whiney. We figured that he was just tired and had probably had too much candy. When we got home we watched cartoons for a little bit and then it was time to hit the sack. McClain was exhausted and laid right down. Koleton tried to go to sleep but kept waking up and rubbing his cheek saying "owie." I debated on whether or not I should take him into the hospital. After a late call to my mom we just drugged him up with motrin and rubbed baby orajel in his mouth (I thought maybe he was cutting a molar) Well after a not restfull night at all I checked his temp this am and it was slightly elevated so I decided to take him into the Dr. Turns out the little pumpkin has an ear infection. Poor baby! He is sleeping now. Lord knows he needs it!
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:14 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Does anyone know where or when there are Easter Egg hunts this weekend??
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:49 AM 5 comments
Feeling guilty??
So Dan must have been feeling guilty about the whole hair thing b/c this morning when I went to take a shower I noticed that he had put up the new shower head we had bought a few weeks ago. It is Chrome. Do any of my Martha Stewart's out there know how to keep it from building up hard water crap? I realize I need to clean it Ha Ha! But is there something I can spray on it after every shower to keep it shiney?
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:47 AM 2 comments
So after arriving home after an interesting Sorority meeting I was greeted by my two boys who had just received haircuts! Koleton needed a hair cut but now he looks like he joined the Army. He barley has any hair left! I guess at least he is nice and trim now. The part that really pissed me off was McClain's hair cut. I have told Dan at least 3 times that I wanted to cut it. I showed him how I wanted it cut (just a little trim in the back so it doesn't look like a mullet) but I told him I was going to do it. I at least wanted to be home for it. But my ever-so-helpful husband went and cut it on his own. I was FUMING when I got home! UGH!!!!
Posted by 1funmommy at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Should I be worried?
So, my mom called me yesterday to see if I was babysitting today. Luck has it that I'm not! Woohoo! So she says she wants to go to lunch. This is so not like my mom. I know she loves me but she isn't the greatest at showing it. I was so shocked. I asked her why she wanted to go and she just said, " for something different." Okay. I want to talk to her about her time with the boys. Or the lack of time with the boys. Her and my stepdad are pretty much the only grandparents that have much interaction with my boys so the time they spend with them is very important to me. They rarely babysit for me and when they do I end up getting a call within an hour or two that they are sleepy and fussy and can I come get them. Are you serious?? I want to say, "Mom what did you do when I was cranky?" I hardly ever get time away from the boys mostly because I'm VERY picky about who I leave them with. One of the few people I trust them with are my parents. They spent more time with Koleton before I had McClain. Now that there are two they act like it is just too much. I'm worried that McClain is 1 now and doesn't really know his Nammy and Papa the way Koleton did. Anyway, I think I'm going to say something to my mom today but I'm not sure how. Wish me luck!
Posted by 1funmommy at 10:06 AM 4 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
My sweet boy
So today my father-in-law is having surgery on his wrist. They are fusing it together. Well, I took the boys to the hospital to see him before he went under. It was almost like Koleton knew something was wrong. Of course, my father-in-law will be fine but we were in a yucky, sterile hospital for cripes sake. Koleton climbed up on his grandpa's belly (who was very scared) and just laid there on him the entire time we were there. For those of you who don't know my kiddo he is over-active and NEVER sits still. But today he just wanted to lay on his grandpa. It was very heart warming and it made my father-in-laws day. He gave me a hug and told me thank you for bringing his grand boys to see him.
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:48 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Lazy people
So I went to Costco the other day. I had three kids with me all under 3. When we were all done I unloaded my cart of groceries and kids. I then returned my cart to the cart holder thing in the parking lot, you know, the one nobody ever uses! That is my biggest pet peeve. So, on the way out of the parking lot I observed a woman in her 40's in fairly good shape, all by herself. She was parked at the front of a row next to the curbing that is filled with river rock and plants. Well, apparently she was in too much of a hurry to walk her happy ass down to the cart return so she just shoved her cart over the curb and into the rocks. Then she got in her fancy car and left. Here I am with 3 small children and I still returned my cart! If I were that lady I would be embarrassed of my self!
Posted by 1funmommy at 11:54 AM 2 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
This is my FIRST blog. How does this work I wonder?? Will I even have time to do this?? Both boys are sleeping right now but that seldom ever happens. And Hubby gets PISSED off when I'm on the computer. Doesn't he understand that I need ME time?? Obviously not. Oh well...we'll just see how it goes :)
Posted by 1funmommy at 1:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: 1st timer